New Surgeon

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Connor woke up to his alarm beeping at exactly 6:50 am. He quickly hit his alarm to keep it quiet, soon he sat up and stretched his arms out wondering about the day to come. Slowly, he climbed out of his clean, white bed to get ready for the day ahead. It was 7:30 am by the time Connor managed to get ready and put his scrubs on. He left the house at 7:40 for his shift at 8 am. Soon after, Connor arrived at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center in his luxurious car.

Dr Latham requested Dr Rhodes upstairs to introduce him to the new surgeon he will work along side with.

"Dr Rhodes remember when I said you weren't my first choice? A new surgeon spot opened up so I decided to allow Dr Bekker to join us," Dr Latham said standing next to a woman.

"Ava," Dr Bekker said holding out her hand.

"Conner," Conner replied sourly shaking Dr Bekkers' hand.

Dr Bekker had a mischievous look in her eyes as they shook hands. Her hazel eyes gave a cold welcoming as if she was hiding something deep down.

They both went on about their day doing multiple surgeries with one another arguing continuously. Dr Latham had enough of their arguments and declared Dr Rhodes to do the orders and for Dr Bekker to follow along. After a while, Dr Bekker began to agree with Connor.

"Dr Rhodes you are quite demanding," Dr Bekker commented after Connor gave a bunch of orders to those of those in the OR with them.

"Dr Bekker quiet I need to focus on this stitching," Conner replied with anger in his voice.

Soon the difficult procedure was over and Connor and Ava were pulling off their gloves and masks throwing them away.

"Dr Bekker, why do you want to disagree with everything I do?" Connor asked Ava in a serious tone.

"Because Dr Rhodes, I have my own ways of performing surgery on patients," Ava replied quickly walking off at a quick pace to the cafeteria for a coffee.

Ava got her coffee and saw Connor sitting at a table by himself with bags under his eyes seeming tired. His hair was an absolute mess but it made him look more attractive.

"So Connor. I heard you killed your attending Dr Downing," Ava spoke.

"Well then you better watch yourself," Connor responded jokingly.

"I like dangerous men," Ava said quickly walking off with her coffee in hand.

A small smile crept on to Connor's face as he thought about Ava.

The thoughts didn't last long as Maggie paged him.

"Mass causality incoming!" Maggie shouted across the ED.

Ava and Connor quickly put another pair of blue latex gloves on.

"Dr Rhodes trauma 2!" Maggie shouted at him as a patient with a GSW (gunshot wound) came into the ED.

"28, female, blood loss, unstable rhythm and got hit with a bullet," a paramedic said quickly whilst steering her into the room.

"Move on my count, three, two, one!" Connor said lifting the patient up on to the white hospital bed.

He checked her pulse quickly with the stethoscope and her breathing.

"Lung has collapsed, transfusion blood into her and call up to the OR," Connor commanded rushing the girl up to the OR for surgery.

A few hours later still in surgery.

"She's crashing!" Connor shouted as the girl's heartbeat dropped.

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