Different Minds

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Ava woke up not believing a thing that happened last night. Everything seemed to be perfect as if it was a dream. Would she and Conner last long?

Ava rolled over to see the man she loved laying down beside her in her bed. She was delighted she finally got the man she had wanted. Her heartfelt completed now, all her patients that died left a permanent hole in her heart. The hole had healed finding the one who would hold her when she cried.

Ava crept up out of the bed being careful to not step on the creaky floorboards she knew all too well. Conner rolled over slowly making Ava stop dead in her tracks. She didn't want to wake him up from his peaceful slumber.

She made it to her bathroom. She started off doing her usual routine: brushing her teeth, washing her face, taking a shower, getting dressed then drying her hair. She heard Conner get up whilst she had only just got out of her warm shower.

"Ava?" Conner asked knocking on the wooden, locked bathroom door.

Ava quickly wrapped a towel around herself as she unlocked the bathroom door to see a half-awake Conner standing in front of her. She was trying her best to not laugh at how much of a mess his hair was. It stuck up in all different directions making him look amusing.

"Yes?" Ava asked soon after opening the bathroom door.

Conner walked passed slightly pushing Ava out of way to make it to the bathroom. Ava left the bathroom understanding why he did it.

She went back into her room to get changed into her black scrubs. Conner came out of the bathroom shortly after giving Ava a hug from behind.

"Maybe we don't go in today Ava," Conner whispered hugging her.

"Conner, we need to go into work," Ava responded.

"Fine Avey," Conner mumbled letting go of her as he went to put on his scrubs as well.

After a while, they finally made it out of the house to make their way to work.

It was a slow day with only a few traumas here and there. Everyone was getting quite bored having a quiet day. Ava and Conner didn't mind because it gave them more time to talk to one another.

"Avey?" Conner asked leaning against a wall.

"Yes?" Ava asked turning around to look at him face to face.

"Want to get coffee later on?" Conner asked.

"Perhaps," Ava said walking off to go see another patient.

At the coffee shop...

Ava had heard a rumour of Conner seeing someone else. When Ava arrived at the coffee shop he saw another woman there. She had her hands on him. He didn't even care. He pulled her in and kissed her. Ava couldn't move, she was frozen in place. Ava took her phone out and took a picture and walked off with tears rolling down her face.

Thankfully, Ava's shift had ended so she could go straight home. Ava decided to send Conner a message.

Ava: Conner. What the hell?!

Conner: Avey? What do you mean?

Ava: Sends the image of him kissing another woman

Ava: Fuck you, Conner.

Conner: Ava, please

Ava: No I'm done

Ava slammed her phone down onto her bed furious at him. She wanted to kill him.

She broke down into tears seeing messages still coming through from Conner. He was apologising over and over again.

30 minutes later.

A knock came from her door.

She got up quickly and went to open the door.

It was Conner.

Her face was tear-stained from the amount of crying she had done.

"Ava I-" Conner said before Ava cut him off.

"Save it, Conner. You were kissing another woman," Ava said furiously.

"Ava, please. Let me explain," Conner pleaded.

"Conner get out of my house," Ava replies feeling the anger build up inside of her.

"Last night was obviously a mistake," Ava muttered under her breath closing the door after Conner had left her house.

Ava fell to the floor bawling her eyes out. She truly had loved him but he broke her heart instead.

Conner got back into his car feeling horrible. He didn't have any excuses for why he had kissed that random woman at the coffee shop.

He drove to Mollys to take his mind off everything. As he entered the bar he saw Will and Jay sat at the bar.

"Hey Will," Conner says sitting next to him.

"Hey Conner, what's up? You sound down," Will asked concerned.

"Everything," Conner responded ordering a beer.

"Want to talk about it?" Will said wanting to make his friend feel better.

"No," Conner said taking a drink of his beer.

"I would rather just forget about it," Conner responded drinking some more of his beer.

Conner took drinks after drinks. He just wanted to take his mind off of everything that had happened.

"Will you gonna take him home?" Jay asked seeing the state Conner was in.

"Can't you?" Will asked stopping Conner from ordering another drink.

"Your his friend," Jay responded getting up and paying for his drinks.

"Fine Jay," Will responded paying for his and Conner's drinks.

It took a while but Will managed to get Conner out of the bar and at home.

Will got Conner to drink multiple cups of water then got him to his room not trusting him to get there alone in his drunken state.

Will made sure Conner was okay and then left to head home to his own place.

Next day.

Conner woke up with a pounding headache from how much he drank the previous night. He saw a notification on his phone from Ava.

Ava: I'm going back to South Africa for a while Conner. My plane leaves at 6 am.

Conner checked the time to see it was 8:32 am. Conner sighed knowing it was too late to change her mind. He felt horrible for allowing her to leave. He called into work saying he wasn't coming in today.

Conner: Ava, when will you be back?

Ava: Probably in 2-12 months. I'm going to be helping those in need.

Conner: Okay...

Conner already missed her so much. He knew had messed up horribly. He probably didn't have a single chance with her any more.

The months went by as slow as possible, all Conner wanted to do was fly down to South Africa and see Ava again.

Ava: I'm coming back to Chicago in a week.

A week had passed by when a knock came. Conner practically ran to the door.

Conner opened the door.

Thanks for reading! It's not as long as my others and I'm super sorry for that but I ran out of ideas for this. Another chapter should be up hopefully later on today.

Feel free to give suggestions, feedback and votes!

Word count: 1154


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