A Dream And A Half

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Ava woke up to an outstanding view upon Chicago. She propped herself up against the set of fluffy pillows that had her head rested against them a few moments ago. A low, calm humming noise came from a different room in this apartment. She could smell breakfast being made. She turned her head to the side to see an alarm clock which showed 10 am. Quickly, she got off the strange bed feeling as if she was late for work. A pounding headache came over her from the amount she drank last night. She stumbled into the kitchen to see a white blanket on the couch and a tall, well-built man making food.

"Hi?" Ava asked quietly, her voice filled with confusion not being able to recognise this man.

"Good morning Ava, I made bacon and eggs for both of us. How are you feeling?"

The realization soon hit her as she remembered the man was actually her co-worker Dr Connor Rhodes.

"Good morning too you to Connor, thanks for making us breakfast. I'm feeling alright except I have a horrible headache. Don't we have work today?" Ava said stumbling on her words making her feel embarrassed.

"You can find some tablets in the cupboard on the far left. I gave Maggie a ring and she allowed us to have the day off," Connor replied smiling.

Soon after, Connor continued his humming and carried on with making the breakfast. Ava finally managed to find the tablets and gulped them down with a bit of water. She took a seat at the white, large glass table. After a while, Connor placed the food in front of her and gave her a small smile.

"There you go Ava," Connor said smiling at her. He was taking in her beauty even though she looked like an absolute mess.

"Thanks, Connor," She said returning the small smile to him.

He sat down at the opposite side of the table and they began eating in utter silence. Only after a few minutes, they both had finished eating their breakfast.

"Thank you again Connor," Ava said sweetly picking up hers and Conner's plate.

She began washing the plates before Conner came behind her.

"I'll wash them, Ava. You should lie down," Connor spoke in a low calming voice.

"Connor. It is the least I can do. You allow me to sleep in your home and make me breakfast. I'll clean the plates," Ava replied quickly carrying on with washing the plates.

"Fine, you have to watch a movie with me later though," Connor responded.

He wrapped his arms around her waist placing his head on her should watching her clean the plates.

"Okay deal Connor," Ava responded with placing the last plate down on the drying rack.

Even though she was done Connor didn't want to let go of her. Her skin felt soft and warm against him.

"Connor?" Ava asked with a hint of concern in her voice as Conner wasn't acting like himself.

"Hm?" Connor asked closing his eyes not letting go of Ava as if he was going to lose her.

"Can you let go of me please Connor? I need to get a shower," Ava asked.

Time passed before Connor let go of her. After the minutes passed he finally let go of her and showed her where his luxurious bathroom was.

"Connor. I know you rich but goodness. Everything in this house seems to be at least a fortune," Ava said looking around his bathroom.

Connor looked away from her scared of making eye contact with her.

"I'll go," he mumbled leaving and closing the door behind him.

Ava let out a sigh and locked the door. She turned the shower on to a warm temperature. After she got out of the shower she found some clothing in a neat pile outside of the bathroom door with a piece of paper nearby which read 'I found some spare clothes for you, get changed in the room you woke up in'. She grabbed the clothes and made her way back to the room she awoke in.

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