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I'm honestly extremely sorry for how long this took to write. I want to make my chapters longer so I need to plan them out. I hope you guys understand ❤️❤️❤️

8 months pregnant.

Ava was still hard at work even though she was 8 months along. Ava continuously refused the offer of having time off until after her baby was born.

Connor was beginning to worry about Ava. She was getting closer and closer to her due date. They had decided that they would name their baby boy Cameron.

"Avey? Are you okay?" Connor asked seeing her catching her breath for the eighth time today.

"Connor, I promise you I'm fine," Ava responded.

Ava looked off colour, Connor repeatedly insisted on getting her temperature taken. Stubbornly, she agreed to do it only if he would stop worrying about her.

Connor agreed to the conditions and dragged her into an empty room to take her temperature.

"101..." Connor spoke to himself after checking her temperature.

Her temperature was slightly higher than usual.

"Its a bit higher than usual, Avey. 101," Connor told her.

"See, I told you it wasn't anything to worry about. Is that all, Connor?" Ava asked.

"Avey, have you had any other symptoms? Coughing, struggling to breathe, any aches?" Connor asked sounding worried for her.

"Connor, I'm fine. It's just a slightly risen temperature," she reassured him.

Connor sighed.

"Alright, Avey. You can go," Connor told her.

He was worried about her health and the baby. She wasn't telling him something.

Ava got up and left the room without saying another word to him.

At 2 pm Ava was catching her breath once more. She was shaking and sweating as well. Was she really lying to Connor?

Ava walked over to where the Doctors' lounge was. She was just about to enter the room but she had collapsed to the ground.

Natalie and Maggie both saw her collapse. They both ran over to her, she had passed out.

Ava woke up in a treatment room seeing multiple doctors stood around her. One face stood out the most.

The other two doctors left the room not noticing Ava had woken up.

"Connor?" Ava asked.

"Avey! Are you okay?" he responded.

"I'm feeling okay. What happened?" she questioned.

"You passed out. Your blood pressure was pretty low," Connor told her.

Ava slowly nodded.

She felt her eyes closing slightly, she tried to keep them open for as long as possible.

Everything went black.

Half an hour later.

Ava woke up. She looked around the tiredly. Connor wasn't by her side any more. She was alone.

Natalie walked into the room.

"Hey, Ava. How are you feeling?" Natalie asked.

"Okay. When can I get back to work?" Ava asked.

"We just need to finish this bag of fluid and then you can go back to work. Did you eat anything today?" Natalie questioned.

"I didn't anything today at all, Nat. I was nearly late for work so I had to skip breakfast," Ava confessed.

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