Forgive And Forget?

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Ava had just awoken bright red. Did she really kiss Conner or was it all a dream? She scrambled out of bed to see her phone on charge on the dark, auburn wood bedside table. She snatched her phone up to see a message from Conner. Terrified, she opened the message to see the thing she most dreaded.

Conner: Avey.

Conner: That kiss meant nothing.

Her heart broke into a thousand pieces seeing them four words. Did he actually care about her? Or did he just like the game they were playing with one other competing to be the best cardiothoracic surgeon. Dr Latham was impressed by both of them no matter how much they argued over treatments.

Slowly, Ava got changed into her usual scrubs and made herself some avocado toast with a cup of coffee to wake her from her tired self.

She left the house in her old car and walked into work seeming down.

"Patient in treatment 2 waiting for you Dr Bekker," Maggie said looking at her seeing her more down than usual.

"Yeah, I'll be in a minute after I put my stuff away Maggie," Ava responded walking into the doctors' lounge.

A few seconds later she came back out to see a 12-year-old boy waiting in the room.

She asked the standard questions to try and find out the scans and tests she would have to give the boy. She ended up getting him an abdominal x-ray as well as blood culture tests.

Ava walked out of the room to make an order for the scan and blood tests.

Ava had her break and headed up to the cafeteria and saw Conner sat at one of the small, wooden tables alone. He seemed unusually tired today, his hair was a mess as usual like it had been these past few days.

Ava smirked at the thought of what she was about to say to him. He seemed vulnerable to her teasing today. She bought him another vanilla latte and placed it on the table carefully.

"You look like you need this Conner," Ava said putting her hands back into her white doctors' coat pockets.

"I don't need it," Conner said moving the drink away from him, indicating for her to take it back.

"Sure. Hairs a mess, bags under your eyes. You look great!" Ava said quickly smiling knowing she was right.

Conner stayed quiet knowing she was right. He didn't sleep much last night, he was overthinking the whole kiss they had.

"Thanks..." Conner mumbled taking the latte back.

Ava walked off feeling victorious. She went off to find Dr Latham knowing Conner had a surgery to do.

"Dr Latham?" Ava asked sweetly.

"Yes, Dr Bekker?" Dr Latham responded looking through files for upcoming surgeries.

"I believe I should take over Dr Rhodes surgery. He seems to be stressed out at the moment which isn't good when performing complex surgery," Ava responded trying to sound as sweet as possible.

"You are right Dr Bekker. You can perform the surgery for Dr Rhodes instead then. I'll tell him when he comes up," Dr Latham agreed not truly understanding her true intentions.

Ava walked off feeling even more victorious then early. An evil smile appeared on her face as she walked off to prepare for the surgery.

Conner came up to find Dr Latham to ask him a question.

"Dr Latham?" Conner asked him seeing he was preparing for the surgery.

"Yes, Dr Rhodes?" Dr Latham responded not taking his eyes off of the sheets of paper.

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