Dancing In The Moonlight Pt 2

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Sorry, this took so long to post!!!

2 weeks later...

They were both planning their wedding. Ava was mainly in charge of sorting out all the decorations. Both of them agreed on a quiet, simple wedding with only a few friends and family.

The main thing Ava was worried about was seeing Cornelius Rhodes again. She hasn't yet asked, Connor about not inviting him to the wedding.

Ava and Connor had both agreed on getting married on October the 23rd since that was the first day they met (A/n don't check this-).

"Connor?" Ava asked getting Connors' attention.

"Yes, Avey?" Connor responded looking up from his phone.

"Two things,"

"One, who are we inviting to the wedding?"

"Two, I don't think we should invite your father..." She finished.

"Well, Avey"

"We should invite some of our work friends, other friends and some family"

"And that's fine by me. Whatever makes you happy," Connor stated leaning in and giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, Connor. Maybe we should start with invitations then?" Ava suggested.

Connor nodded in response.

Over a few hours, they started writing down names of who they would invite until a name came up which Ava didn't recognise.

"Connor, who's Holly?"

"Oh, one of my friends from med school. They are an anesthesiologist!"

"Really? Where does Holly work?"

"She is going to be working at med soon, Ava,"

Ava nodded slightly having a bad feeling about the girl already.

"That's great, Connor!" Ava said quickly trying not to sound rude. She forced a smile so her soon to be husband wouldn't suspect anything.

On their wedding day.

Ava looked in the mirror to see the white wedding dress she picked out with her friends help.

She smiled when she looked in the mirror and saw herself. It was her dream day and she was marrying the man she loved with all her heart.


Ava walked down the aisle seeing her family, friends and soon to be husband.

Later on back at their house

Once they had both made it home they decided to have some fun...


Thanks for reading the final chapter of this book! I'll be making a new book or books. I'm sorry this last chapter is so bad. I originally started writing this chapter on the 18th October but I started watching Chicago PD quite a lot so I was pretty busy. I might edit this book later in the future.

My next book will be a Chicago PD fanfic!

Word count: 434

Part 1 & 2 word count: 976


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