Truth Untold

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Flashbacks are in italics.

5 months later.

Ava had not been feeling her self over the last couple of months. She was feeling sick and exhausted most mornings. She spoke to Natalie, Maggie and April about the situation.

"Ava, you could be pregnant," Natalie spoke thinking of the symptoms she had herself.

"Yeah, Nat has a point, Ava. You should get tested," April agreed with Nat.

Maggie nodded agreeing with them both.

"Okay. I don't trust pregnancy tests so can we use an ultrasound to check?" Ava responded giving in to the thought.

"Sure Ava, I guess you don't want Connor to know?" April questioned following Ava inside.

Ava got seated into a treatment room and had an ultrasound down.

"Well Ava, it does seem you are pregnant," April said examining the small screen.

"You should get an OB to see how far along you are. I would guess around 1-3 months,"

"Okay, April. Please don't tell Connor about this," Ava said.

"He will need to know sooner or later Ava. It is his isn't it?" April asked.

Ava gave a quick nod and picked up her bag.

Ava let out a sigh as she placed her hand over the bump which was barely visible. She was 4 months pregnant and not fully showing. She had to tell Connor sooner or later. They had both moved in with each other and had became boyfriend and girlfriend. Their relationship was going well but would the child change everything? She was finding out the gender of the baby the next day.

Ava got the courage and went up to Connor.

"Connor, we need to talk," Ava said quickly.

"Okay, Avey. Take a seat," Connor responded.

Ava sat down next to him.

"Connor..." Ava started.

Connor stayed quiet to allow her to speak.

"I'm pregnant. The child is yours," she said looking down into her lap. Tears threatened to fall as Connor stayed silent.

A huge smile came across his face finding out the news he was going to be a dad.

"How far along Avey?" Connor asked grabbing Ava's hand.

"18 weeks. I'm finding out the gender tomorrow," Ava said looking back at Connor.

"Can I come with you tomorrow?" Connor asked excitedly.

Ava nodded not expecting his reaction to be like this.

"Are you not going to leave me?" Ava asked terrified.

"Of course not, Avey," he responded leaning in and kissing her.

Ava kissed him back feeling elated by the news.

The next day.

Ava had a few names in mind for the baby already. She felt another kick fro the small fetus growing inside of her. She smiled a bit looking at Connor.

"Come on, Connor," Ava said waiting for him.

"Coming, Avey!" Connor responded making his way to their front door.

Connor opened the door for Ava and let her go first like a gentleman. Soon after, they made it to the hospital. Maggie and Natalie were delighted to see them both.

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