A Return

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Ava was stood at the door smiling up at Conner. He seemed as if he was going to cry at seeing her again.

Conner hugged Ava as tightly as he could leaving her breathless.

"Avey. I'm so sorry," Conner said looking at Ava.

"I messed up Avey. I'm truly sorry," he continued.

"I didn't know what got other me," he finished tearing up slightly feeling horrible at how he made her feel.

"Conner, I should have let you explain," Ava says trying to calm him down.

"I shouldn't have just left. Please explain Conner,"

"Avey. She came onto me, I don't know what came over me. I kissed her back for some reason. It was the biggest mistake of my life. Your the only one I want," Conner explained quickly.

A look of disbelief and happiness came across her face. Was she really the one he wanted?

"I forgive you, Conner," Ava said making up her mind looking back at the man who said she was the one he wanted.

Conner gave Ava another hugging allowing her to enter his.

"Would you like a drink Avey?" Conner asked looking through his fridge.

Ava declined the offer not wanting to make another mistake. She forgave him but she was scared of it happening again.

Conner's phone rang.

"Answer it," Ava said glancing at the name that popped up on the screen.

Conner reluctantly answered the phone seeing who was calling.

"Hello, dad... " Conner said annoyed.

"Conner, we need to have a talk," his father responded soon hanging up the phone.

"I'm sorry Avey but my father wants me to meet up with him," Conner told her grabbing his phone and heading to the door.

He gave her his word that he would be back as soon as he could. He said goodbye and left his house locking the door behind him.


Conner made it to his father's house unlocking the door with his set of keys.

Conner gave a sigh and headed into the kitchen to find his father.

"Dad?" Conner asked aloud.

"Conner," his father responded walking into the kitchen.

Conner didn't respond. He stared at his father seeing right through him.

"That hybrid OR room... How is everything going with it?" Cornelius tried to sound truly interested in the room but even Conner could see through his act.

"Cut the crap. What do you want?" Conner asked irritated by his father beating around the bush.

"Conner, there is something I need to tell you," his father started seeing the confused look on his sons face.

"As you know, Dr Bekker came to me that night,"

Conner looked intrigued and wanted to find out more. Last time, his father didn't tell him much.


Conner wasn't angry at her decision, but he felt furious knowing she had lied to him for weeks on end.

All Ava ever did was tell him she never slept with his father. Who should he believe? Was his father really trying to break them apart? Conner went back to his apartment to see Ava still waiting for him.

"Ava?" Conner asked seeing her staring into space.

"Hm?" she responded only just noticing his presence.

"My father told me something," Conner started speaking.

"He said you seduced him to pay for the Hybrid OR. You slept with him Ava, didn't you?"

"Conner, I would never do that. You should know that by now," Ava said looking shocked not understanding what he meant.

"Conner we only had dinner that was it! I convinced him to donate for the Hybrid OR room because I didn't want to lose you," Ava explained seeing anger appear on Conner's face.

Conner let out a sigh.

"Okay, Avey. I believe you," Conner spoke quickly smiling at her.

Ava's heart skipped a few beats. She was elated that the love of her life believed her. She got off of the brown, wooden stool and walked over to Conner. They looked into one another's eyes knowing what they both wanted. Their lips locked together kissing one another passionately. They both enjoyed the quick kiss.

They both quickly went red when they realised what had happened.

"Shall I order a pizza?" Conner asked.

Ava nodded quickly not taking her eyes off of Conner. She would do anything for him.

Conner orders the pizzas for them both. He had a plan for that night. He wanted to watch a movie with her and her close. He didn't want to lose her again.

They decided to watch a movie together, soon after the pizzas arrived. Quickly, Ava and Conner finished the pizzas still watching the film.

--- 12 am

They had both fallen asleep on the couch, they were cuddling whilst they slept.


Conner woke up to see the one he loved still by him.

"Ava?" he whispered, playing with her hair.

"Hm?" Ava responded sleepily.

"What time is it? I need to be in for a shift soon," Ava said scanning the room for a clock.

"Its 7:32 Ava," Conner answered, yawning.

Ava got up in a hurry knowing she needed to be there for her shift at 8. She found her black scrubs in Conner's closet from a night 7 months ago. She got in the shower hearing Conner get behind her.

"What time is your shift?" Conner asked holding Ava's waist looking at her lips.

"8. Do you have work today?" Ava asked leaning in closer to him.

"No," Conner responded quickly.

Conner leaned in and kissed Ava. Ava kissed him back pulling away quickly knowing she only had limited time.

"We can continue tonight. I need to hurry up," she said quickly finishing up in the shower.

Ava got dressed into her black scrubs drying her hair and putting it up into a ponytail.

Conner was dressed in his casual attire insisting he drove her to work. Reluctantly, she agreed.

"What time does your shift end?" Conner questioned.

"8 PM," Ava replied shaking her head knowing it would be a long day.

Conner dropped her off at working promising to be here to pick her up.

--- 12 pm


Conner: Avey are you free to talk?

Ava: Yeah I'm on my break. Why?

Conner: I was wondering if you would like to get dinner tonight?

Ava: Sure Conner.

Ava: I need to go it's pretty busy today.


Thanks for reading this short chapter! Sorry, it took forever to write. Feel free to vote, comment and share my story.

Word count: 1078


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