Dancing In The Moonlight part 1

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Past events are in italics!


Connor Rhodes has created the group Proposal plan.

Maggie, Natalie, April, Will, Ethan and Noah have all been added.


Connor, are you planning on proposing to Ava?!


Yes, I am, Maggie.


Well good luck, Connor! What can we do to help?


I need help setting up the proposal and someone to watch Cameron temporarily.


Nat and I can watch Cameron.




What can I do to help you?


Help me plan. Ethan and Noah can also help with that as well if they feel up to it.


Yeah sure.


Sure but I don't know much about this sort of stuff.


Anything I can do?


Help me figure out what rings Avey likes. I want to get one she likes




Thank you so much, guys!


It's no problem, I'm happy to help you and Ava.


I'm just so scared she'll say no.


It can't be as bad as mine. I proposed to Nat in a parking lot, didn't show up on our wedding day and put her life in danger.


But look at us. We are still together.

Ava loves you, Connor. She won't say no.


They have a point.

Now I need most of you to get back to work.

Connor start planning since it is your day off.


Yes, Maggie.


"Hey, Ava! What ring do you like best?" April asked Ava as they stood around looking at rings.

"This one looks good, I wish Connor would propose to me already..."Ava said pointing at a rose gold slim ring, plated with tiny diamonds around the edges, with a beautiful rose gold jewel to top it off.

"Wow! That's a really cool ring, Avey," April responded looking at the ring.


"Hey, Maggie!" Ava said.

"Hello, Ava," Maggie responded.

"Can you watch Cameron tonight?" Ava asked.

Maggie nodded her head and smiled at Ava as she walked away.


"Avey?" Connor asks.

"Yes?" Ava responded.

"Maybe we should go for a walk in the park," Connor suggested.

"I'm not feeling up to it," Ava said truthfully.

"Please, Avey? It will be fun to get out of the house!" Connor stated.

Ava let out a sigh.

"Alright," Ava said giving in.


They walked around the park hand in hand. Snow had begun to fall all around them.

"I love snow," Ava spoke softly.

"I know you do, Avey" Connor responded seeing the smile on Ava's face as they walked further and further.

Once they passed the small, round pond a band had begun playing for them both.

All of their friends were there including Cameron.

Connor reached into his pocket whilst Ava wasn't looking. He slowly got down on one knee and opened up the small, black velvet box.

"Ava Bekker, will you marry me?" Connor asked.

Tears began falling out of Ava's eyes as she turned around to see Connor.

"Yes!" Ava spoke trying not to cry any more tears.

All of their friends cheered for them as Connor slipped the ring on to Ava's finger.


Thanks for reading this short chapter! Votes and comments are appreciated. Part 2 will hopefully be up soon.

Word count: 542


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