Chapter 1

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"FINALLY AWAKE THEN ALEX," IAN  said from the front seat and she fake laughed, she always got bad vibes from Ian but she could never really place her finger in exactly what her issue with him was

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"FINALLY AWAKE THEN ALEX," IAN  said from the front seat and she fake laughed, she always got bad vibes from Ian but she could never really place her finger in exactly what her issue with him was.

"We getting any closer?" Ben asked the man in the back seat.

Riley looked at the hoola girl bobbing in the wind before looking at the screen and explaining something about his tracking mechanism that Alex listened to intently before he stopped, "But don't go by me, I broke a shoelace this morning." Riley looked at everyone's confused face, "Its a bad omen,"

His brows furrowed at he looked at the small group and Alex laughed, looking over at him and seeing his eyes light up as he looked at his work.

Alex always loved the way he did that, become so passionate about his work, it's something that made them such close friends in the first place.

Ian and Ben suddenly looked at each other, "Shall we turn around and go home," Ian said in his sarcastic british voice.

"Or we can pull over now and just throw him out now," Ben said to the man next to him and the two laughed leaving Alex to stares at the back of their heads, as much as they were all a team, they all seemed to pick on Riley which seemed unfair because he had brilliant ideas.

They suddenly stopped and all got out, Shaw started asking where the ship was and Riley started geeking out; explaining what was going on. Shaw's face was hilarious and Alex started laughing.

"I don't understand why you don't just admit it to him already." Ben said as he stood behind his baby sister, he remembers when she was born when he was 14, a week before his parents got divorced and he was so happy and he still is, the gates sibling adventurers they called themselves when he would take the little baby on mini adventures around the house.

"Admit what to who Benny?" She asked, knowing fully what he was talking about.

"That you love Riley," he said stretching out his last two words in a funny way like an annoying middle school girl and she shook her head before walking off towards Riley, but not before flipping her brother off first.

Suddenly Ben yelled out that he had found the Charlotte. Alex rushed over and crouched down next to her brother.

"Finally we did it," she whispered, looking over at her brother and smiling. They all started walking down into the ship and Ben started talking to Ian about the gates family legacy.

They all started looking through the barrels of gunpowder when Ben pulled out something.

"Is it a billion dollar pipe?" Riley asked as he looked over Alex's shoulder. "Is it a million dollar pipe," he questioned only to have Ben shut him down.

"It's a clue Riley," she explained listening to him panic as Ben snapped it in half.

Alex grabbed the pipe and looked at the inscriptions that lay on the stem of it. She thought about what to do for a second and then looked around at her brother and then Riley.

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