Chapter 3

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RILEY AND ALEX SAT IN THE VAN whilst Ben stood outside in a denim looking jumpsuit

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RILEY AND ALEX SAT IN THE VAN whilst Ben stood outside in a denim looking jumpsuit.

"Ben are you sure we shoul-" Riley started saying before Ben slammed the door closed and started walking towarss the guards.

"Are you ready to do this?" Riley asked Alex, a smile blossoming over his face as he looked at her.

"I guess I have to be, even though prison is inevitable, I know that I have to do it for my family legacy. I'm just scared, I don't understand how my brother does it," she admitted, looking over at Riley who smiled at her.

"I get what you mean, I just don't want to go to jail," he said and Ben cleared his throat over the link and they heard a voice.

"Is that that hot girl?" Riley asked and Alex smacked his arm and they listened to the conversation between them.

"I have been wondering about what was on the engraving that was on the pipe that big foot took," they heard Abigail say and Alex laughed at their flirting.

That's when some other man walked in, "Who's the stiff?" Riley asked and they listened to the weird little conversation between the three.

Ben grabbed his glass and looked at the two historians in front of him. They also raised their glasses, looking at him.

"Now a toast to high treason. Had we lost the war, they would have been hanged, beheaded, drawn and quartered," Ben looked around at everyone else's confused faces and laughed to himself "Oh and, my personal favorite - and had their entrails cut out and burned!"

"So, here's to the men who did what was considered wrong in order to do what they knew was right." He took a deep breath and looked Abagail right in the eye, "What they knew was right."

He stopped talking and everyone took a sip of their champagne whilst Ben drank the whole thing.

"Well, good night." Ben said and walked off with uneasy goodbyes from Abagail and that other guy.

Ben walked into the hallway and Riley started clicking on buttons on his computer, his teeth dragging on his bottom lip as he thought, something that Alex started subconsciously smiling about.

"I'm gonna turn off the surveillance cameras. Ready? Ben Gates, you are now the Invisible Man." He said as he looked at the computer and watched Ben enter the Preservation room.

"Give me the letters for her password. What do you got for me?" Riley read out and a smile played with his lips as he geeked out, it was finally his moment to shine.

"Better here than in that cubicle Riley," Alex said and he looked up and laughed.

"Of course," he said and Ben cleared his throat and started reading out the letters. Riley started reading out all of the potential passwords.

"It's Valley Forge." Ben said, abruptly and started typing it into his computer

Riley furrowed his brow as he looked at his computer confused, "Valley For" he stopped before looking around confused, "I don't have that on my computer." He said looking at Alex confused.

"Riley she pressed the E and L twice." Alex explained to him and he sighed, making her laugh.

"Ben, you're doing great. Just, pick it up." Riley explained as he walked ben though what needed to be done.

But then he lost his feed, the screen turning to static. He frantically tapped the keyboard in an effort to get it back.

"I just lost my feed." Riley said in panic and Alex leaned over his shoulder to see the static screen on the computer.

Her heart started racing as she realised what was happening "I lost my feed, Ben. I don't know where anyone is. Ben, I have no... Ben, I have nothing." Riley continued as he panicked, his breathing suddenly unsteady as he looked at Alex.

The fear evident in his eyes as he looked around in panic. "Get out of there right now Ben." She yelled through the headphones before laying her head on Riley's shoulder, she could feel that both of them were shacking as they stared at the static screen on the computer.

"I'm taking the entire thing." Ben said as he picked the delcerstion up in its case, subsequently stopping unscrewing the case, "I'll get it out in the elevator."

"What are you talking about?" Alex asked and Riley smiled as he fully comprehended that the fact that her head rested in his shoulder.

"Is it heavy?" Riley asked and Alex laughed smacking his leg at his sarcastic comment during such a scary time for everyone.

"Gates." They heard someone say and then suddenly you could hear the sound of bullets going off and Alex moved her head off Riley's shoulder in fear.

What would happen if her brother died during this. How would she break it to her dad that she didn't just run off to go treasure hunting but let her brother get killed during it, her family would never forgive her.

"What was that Ben and who is shooting?" Alex asked, panic was evident in her voice.

She looked at Riley hoping to see some kind of reassurance in his face but all that was there was panic, they knew that they were going to jail for this but death, that was never going to be an option.

"He's got the bloody map!" They heard someone say and Alex realised that it was Ian yelling, he must have been the one shooting.

"Are you still there Ben?" Alex asked in panic as she kept looking at the static screen in hopes, but knowing that she wouldn't be able to see anything.

"I'm in the elevator. Ians here and he's been shooting." He explained and Riley wrapped his arm around Alex as she leaned into him.

She didn't know why she did it but the safety and comfort she felt in his arms made everything feel better, like it would work out.

"I really do hate that guy." Riley whispered into her ear and she laughed against his shoulder.

Alex sighed, her heart still pounding as she wondered if Ben was going to make it out alive.

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1035 words

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