Chapter 14

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ALEX SAT IN THE BACK OF THEmuseum stage as she called Riley

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museum stage as she called Riley. "I miss you too, have fun with your book opening, I love you," she said and he laughed.

"Thanks, send my luck to your family, I'll see you when you get home. Love you too, bye," he said and she hung up the phone, walking towards her brother and dad in stage.

"In conclusion, The Knights of the Golden Circle was a Southern extremist group," Ben explained and Alex walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Had Thomas not burned the legendary missing pages from the Booth diary, the killers may have found a vast treasure of gold, and the Union may well have lost the Civil War." She finished off, smiling at her dad who walked towards them.

"I'd like to thank Ben, Alex and Patrick Gates. And say what a great addition Thomas Gates is to our civilian heroes exhibit." Dr Nichols said.

He walked back on stage, standing next to Patrick. Suddenly a bald man from the audience stood up, a slight silhouette on him as the sun bore down.

"I have a question I'd like to ask. Do you ever wonder what happened to that Booth diary page that was pulled out of the fire all those years ago?" He asked.

The man gave them a look, a similar look to the one Ben gave people when he knew something everyone else didn't.

"We may never know what happened to it." She said and he smiled, a sly smile that she had been expecting since the moment he stood up and asked the question.

"You see, I have one of those great-great-grand daddies, like you from the civil war his name was Silas Wilkinson. He used to tell us a story about the night that Lincoln was shot." He said, taking an almost overdramatic pause just for effect like Ben does.

"As be tells it, Booth didn't seek out Thomas Gates about the treasure map that night. It was actually Thomas who called the meeting. To plan the assassination of Lincoln." He said.

The three members of the Gates family stood listening angrily whilst the rest of the room seemed intriuged and fascinated at the newly found historical 'facts'.

"How absurd." Patrick yelled out looking at his kids.

"That's a lie!" Ben yelled following his dads protests. They werent just going to let their family name be disparage for the second time.

"What evidence is there?" Alex asked, almsot hoping it was just a rumour and that there were no facts, no evidence that showed that Thomas Gates helped Assasinate Lincoln.

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