Chapter 13

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ALEX AND RILEY HAD BOOKED Aplane to go see her mum Emily in Maryland that afternoon

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plane to go see her mum Emily in Maryland that afternoon. However, when Alex woke up she saw Riley making breakfast in their kitchen.

That was weird because they had been dating for about 14 months at this point and he had only been sick once. She had realised that when he was sick he cooked a lot so she felt a bit suspicious when she saw the stacks of pancakes that he had on the island.

"Riley, what are you doing?" She asked as she sat on the stool on the island looking at the food. He smiled at her as he noticed her wearing his shirt whilst he tried to flip a pancake.

"Making you breakfast Sunshine," he explained and she shook her head at him.

"You're sick Riley," Alex said as she looked at his red face.

"I'm not Alex, I just wanted you to have a good day, we're going to your mums so," Riley started to say when he was cut off by a sneeze.

Alex got up and moved Riley back to the sofa where he started sneezing again.

"I'm fine, you have to get ready for the trip," He said, trying not to sneeze at the same time.

Alex laughed as he sat down on the sofa. She pressed her hand against his forhead and he felt really hot against her skin.

"How do you feel?" Alex asked and he flashed a fake and exhausted smile at her.

"Fine," he said, sniffing before turning his head away from Alex. She sighed, placing her hand underneath his chin and pulling him back towards her so that they were looking at each other,

"How do you feel?" She asked him again, raising her eyebrows as he sighed, shivering slightly.

"Not great," he muttered out. As much as he was a pretty nerdy shy sort of guy he hated admitting that he was wrong so this was just terrible for him to feel like this.

Alex smiled at him as she wrapped her arm around him, pulling him closer towards her as he leaned his head on her shoulder.

"You have a fever Riley," she whispered as she leaned her head on top of his. Even though he was taller than her at this angle she had the ability to comfort him for once.

"You can't come near me, you need to go to your mums for thanksgiving this afternoon," he said pulling away from her.

That just allowed Alex to get up, grabbing a glass of water and some Tylenol for Riley.

"I'll call my mum, she'll understand and anyway we can go another time, maybe Christmas," Alex said as she sat on the arm of the sofa, watching Riley take the Tylenol, sipping his water with it.

"I love you Sunshine," he said and she smiled at him, picking up her phone and dialing her mums number.

"Love you too Riley, I'm just going to call my mum," she said, clicking the call button on her phone.

"Hey mum," Alex said and she heard her mums british accent on the other side of the phone.

"Darling, I can't wait to see you and that lovely boy of yours I've been dying to meet," she said and Alex smiled at her mums words.

They hadn't seen each other in real life since before the templar treasure and she was upset that they weren't going to be able to see each other but Riley was more important right now, she loved him so much.

"Riley's sick and we aren't going to be able to make it, I'm so sorry but he's got a fever and he's over there feeling like a baked potato but shaking like we are back in the antarctic. I just dont think we should fly with him like this, I've given him tylenol an-" Alex kept blabbering on and on until her mum stopped her.

"Its fine Alexandra, we will just have to catch up again soon OK," she said and Alex sighed at the reassurance in her mums voice.

She was scared that after the whole issue with her going on the dangerous mission without telling her, nearly getting arrested, now not being able to see each other. Alex was just happy that her mum was happy about it.

"Ok, Riley looks like he is going to die over there so I should go but I'll call you soon," Alex said, laughing at the end and hearing her mums laugh on the other side of the phone.

"I'll see you later too sweetheart, now go look after your man, I'll call you later, love you," she said and Alex smiled, knowing fully well that her mum couldn't see the smile.

"Love you too mum," she said before hanging up the phone and walking back towards Riley who was wrapped in a blanket. She laughed at him and smiled as he stuck his arms out, pulling her towards him like a baby and she kept laughing still.

Alex sat next to him and he lifted the blanket, wrapping it around her as well even though he knew that he needed it.

"You want to order pizza?" She asked him as she lay her head against his shoulder and he smiled, kissing the top of her head.

"Ok, you know what I want," he said and Alex laughed.

"Of course, Mr Poole's order," she said, dialing the pizza place and whispering to herself.

The next morning he woke up and Alex was walking into their bedroom with a tray with some eggs and bacon on it.

"Morning sleepyhead, I made you some food," she said and he sat up right in his seat laughing to himself.

"Thanks Sunshine," he said as she placed the tray on his lap and he started eating.

"I love you," Riley said as he swallowed his food.

"You've been saying that an awful lot the last few days," she said and he laughed at her before a smile grew on his face.

"I dont think I could ever say it enough," he said as he took a sip of his juice.

"Just eat you fever crazed man," Alex said laughing as she sat next to him in bed.

"But for the record, I love you too," she said and Riley smiled at her, even when he was ill he seemed to find a way to smile and she really loved him for it.

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