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I'm standing in front of the school gates, about to face another year of hell. Fortunately it's my senior year so I at least have something to look forward to by the end of it.

I let my feet take me inside and towards my new locker. I'm hoping there's no mess for me to clean up from the last owner.

Once I'm stood before it, I don't see any graffiti, so that's already a good sign. As I put in the code that's messily scrawled on a note by the counselor, I pray that it opens on the first try.

My prayers went unanswered as my locker didn't open. After a few more tries I finally succeeded in opening the forsaken thing.

I set my bag on the floor and stuff the locker with my textbooks. I scan my schedule and note that I only need to keep a few notebooks and folders in my bag for today.

I hear the locker a few feet to my left open and take a quick glance at the person I'll be walking by all year.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach when I realize who it is.

It was Jonathan Crane, referred to as Ichabod Crane by all of his bullies, and the man who stole my heart all those years ago.

'I can't believe my locker is next to his! God must have been listening to my prayers all summer.'

I zip up my bag and close my locker, trying to calm my racing heart and red cheeks. I turned my back to him and leaned against my locker, going over my schedule to distract me.

English, orchestra, Spanish, math, health, and computer science. At least I got the classes I wanted, it'd be a long year if I got the leftover classes like last year.

I push myself off the lockers and make my way to the English hall, taking a quick glance at Jonathan as I pass him. Once I'm quite away from him I let out a sigh, he always manages to make my heart race simply by existing.

Jonathan really is a simple guy and he tries to not really stand out. He's tall, lanky, he's got shaggy brown hair, and gorgeous blue eyes.

Me? I don't see myself as anything special really. My looks help me blend in with the crowd, and that's the best thing I could ask for in this school. If i stood out, I'd be a target right alongside Jonathan.

I wish I could tell him I liked him, if only we didn't live in this town. If only I wasn't terrified of being shunned for telling my truth.

I arrived at my first class only to be met with a shut door. Guess the teacher isn't here yet. I keep moving, figuring that I should find my other classes to set a routine in motion.

I glance at my schedule again to see which class would be after this one. Orchestra, I'm already familiar with the music room, so I need not bother heading over. I look over at the next class and it's Spanish but I already know where that classroom is as well.

After Spanish is math, so I guess I should look for that class then, seeing as the seniors math hall is not on the same floor as the one for the juniors.

I fold my schedule neatly before shoving it in my sweater pocket. Then proceed to walk towards the math hall.

As I'm walking I make sure to keep my eyes peeled for Bo and Sherry. If I happen to get on their bad sides I'll be yet another victim of their torment.

Poor Jonathan is unfortunate enough to have to suffer at the hands of Bo. He thinks he can do whatever he wants because he's on the football team, and no matter how much he hurts him nobody can do a thing to stop him, they'll just end up on his target list as well. I knew I'd get beaten to a pulp if I interfered but I tried my best to help without being seen, like a guardian angel of sorts. I'd sneak some ointment or bandages into his locker.

'I know it's wrong of me to think this, but I hope that jerk burns in hell someday!'

Perhaps if I wasn't so weak, I could do something to help him. 

Stopping myself from thinking about Bo any further, I finally found the math hall. I locate my classroom rather quickly and move on to the next.

I've already made an internal route for my classes, I only need to find my last two classes of the day and I'll be done. I take my schedule out of my pocket to look at my classes, again, to see that my fifth and sixth period are health and computer science. I've waited until my senior year to do Health so I'll most likely be sharing that class with freshmen.

I already know where computer science is at so I'll have to find my health class next. I look at the room number of my Health class to see it's on the first floor. I check my watch to see what time it is, only to have a heart attack when I realize there's only five minutes 'till the morning bell rings.

'Son of a gun! How could I lose track of time!?'

Now I have to go back down the stairs 'cause my first class is on the first floor. I don't want to look like an idiot running to my first class so I'll just speed-walk. 

As I'm walking I glance every now an then at my schedule 'cause I forget the classroom number every five freaking seconds! When I finally arrive in front of my class I notice the door's finally open and there are a few kids waiting inside. Heading inside, I take a seat by the window but still close enough to the front to see the whiteboard just in case I forget my glasses.

I prop up my elbow on the desk and rest my chin on my hand, looking through the window. 

Getting lost in my own world, I didn't notice when someone took a seat right next to me.

An Unrequited Love {Jonathan Crane x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now