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The weekend came and passed in the blink of an eye, I spent most of my time playing my violin and thinking about Jonathan. With how things have been so far I don't think I'm ever gonna get close with him. He's always so distant and with my anxiety I'll never initiate a conversation first.

Monday came, the beginning of another week of hell. Mom was called in early for work and Dad always leaves for work at the worst of times. Imagine going to work at 4 a.m, I'd die if I had to go in to work that early. So that meant I had to walk my siblings to their schools, which were much further than the high school I attended.

I held onto Chris' hand while Lisa held Samantha's, my free arm was holding my violin case, which was kinda starting to hurt. Chris was telling me about the project they were gonna do in class today, he said that his teacher promised to let them paint some pictures if they all passed their spelling quiz. Somehow they all did.

"Chris cheated! Everyone knows how dumb he is!" Samantha shouted as she walked alongside Lisa.

"Because you told me to! You cheated too!" Chris shouted back, his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence. He was gonna cry, he loved painting but mom couldn't buy him things to paint with, that PlayStation already put a huge dent in our savings.

Chris squeezed my hand and looked up at me, "You won't tell mom right?"

"Maybe if you two won't raid my room for money, I'll keep it a secret from mom."

"Mmm, okay..."

After that it was pure silence from the twins until we came up to their school. We said our goodbyes and watched them run inside.

I moved my case to my other hand and walked next to Lisa as we started to make our way to her school.

Unlike when we were walking with the wins, it was silent the entire walk there. When we finally came up to the middle school she gave me a quick side hug before going inside.

I check my watch and see I only have 10 minutes before classes start.

'Dangit, I better speed up if I want to make it on time.'

Even though I said I should speed walk I still walked at a leisurely pace. I saw the school come into view and checked my watch, five minutes 'till the first bell. I finally picked up my pace a bit, a car speeding past me and driving into the school's parking lot. I'd know that car from anywhere, it's Bo's car.

Ever since I saw him beat up Jonathan, my dislike for him has just grown more and more, along with his entire posse. Especially Sherry, I know he likes her, but she's dating a bully and she herself isn't so nice either. Sure, she's pretty, but if we could see her for what she truly looked like, she'd be an ugly witch.

Bo and his posse were barely entering the school by the time I made it to the front gates. I slowed down so I wouldn't have to walk near them. Checking my watch, I see I only have a minute left before the first bell. I won't have time to put the violin back in the music room, so I'll just have to carry it around 'til second period, I can live with that.

I made my way to my locker and grabbed what I needed and put away what I didn't. I was still busy putting stuff away when the bell rang.

'Gosh darn!'

After haphazardly putting my things away I slammed the locker shut and made my way to 1st period as quickly as I could. I kept to myself as I made my way through the halls, ignoring everyone and everything.

I walked into the classroom and sat at my desk, setting my case down on the left side of my desk. Jonathan was already here, sitting with his things out and waiting for the teacher to start class. I was slightly out of breath, thankful the teacher didn't close the door yet or I'd have been marked late.

I shifted my backpack to my front and took out what was written on the board. Homework, pencil and notebook. Seems like the lesson was going to be an easy one today.


Gosh dangit! We're gonna have to be doing book reports soon, I just know it! Today's lesson told me all I needed to know, and I bet anyone with half a brain knows it too.

It was break time and I was sitting by myself on the stairs reading Dracula, which I got from the public library. Soon, I was going to have to read books for class and that just sucks the joy out of reading, so I might as well read something I like before then.

The stairs I'm on are always vacant during break, but when lunch comes around some group always occupies it, which is why I take refuge by the field during lunch. I always pick a place that generally goes unnoticed, cause I'm free to do as I please without the judging eyes of others.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs so I scooted over closer to the railing. I leaned my head against the handrail without ever taking my eyes off my book. Whoever was going down the stairs didn't pass me and instead they stopped next to me. I looked to my right and a pair of legs facing me, I looked up at the person who owned said legs and saw Jonathan.

As always whenever I saw the young man, butterflies erupted in my stomach, yet I somehow managed to keep my blush down, instead shooting him a curious look.

"Do you mind if I join you? It's nice and quiet here." Jonathan said, his voice making my heart go a mile a minute.

"Of course not, do as you like." I moved my backpack so it sat in between my legs, and averted my eyes as Jonathan sat down a few steps above me and far away enough so that any passerby wouldn't mistake us as friends.

There was a bit of an awkward silence for a few minutes, before Jonathan spoke up.

"I didn't know you played an instrument, what do you play?"

"I uh- I play the violin." I kept my eyes trained on my book, too shy and nervous to actually look at him.

I heard a quiet hum come from him. I wish I could keep the conversation going, but I hardly know anything about him and this the third time we've actually ever spoken.

"What are you reading?" Jonathan spoke up once again, this time I actually turned a bit to look at him. His eyes were moving between me and the book in my hands.

"Dr-Dracula by uhm- Bram Stoker." I glanced at the book in his hands, it was small and looked worn and old.

He noticed where my attention was and turned the book to show me the cover, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving."

I nodded as my eyes burned the cover into my memory. He ran his hand through his hair before flipping to a marked page and began reading. I guess that's the end of our conversation, would that even be called a conversation?

I leaned my back against the handrail and continued to read, the both of us sitting in a sort of comfortable silence before the bell rang, then with a short farewell, we both headed our separate ways.

An Unrequited Love {Jonathan Crane x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now