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It's been a few days since school started and the first time I've interacted with Jonathan. I thought we'd talk at least a little bit, but it's as if we'd never met in the first place.

I was kinda expecting him to take the initiative and start a conversation between us, cause I'm scared of saying something stupid and embarrassing myself. But he hasn't even acknowledged that I exist, I mean, I thought helping him would at least spark some kind of friendship between us, but I guess I thought wrong

I snuck glances at him in class and whenever I saw him in the hallways, but other than that it's like we're in separate worlds. I want to get close to him so bad, even if it means I have to pretend I'm stupid or something.

I was in my last class of the day, daydreaming about Jonathan, and waiting for the final bell to ring. We were supposed to be practicing typing without looking at our keyboards, but since I've memorized every key since last year I don't believe I need to do this exercise.

I look at the time on the computer and see there's a couple minutes left until the final bell. I shoot a glance at the teacher and he's leaned over another student's desk, helping him with today's exercise. I started to quietly pack my bag, all I had out was a pencil and a notepad so I didn't really have to do much to be sneaky.

Just as I took another glance at the time the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. The teacher reminded us to shut off the computers before telling us we were free to go.

As soon as I was sure the computer was shut down correctly I practically ran out of the classroom. Turning down a few hallways, muttering apologies when I almost ran into someone, and skidding to a stop in front of my locker.

I put in my combination before yanking it open, and proceeded to shove unnecessary books inside. I had to go back to the music room to get my violin, so I could practice at home. Not a lot of kids are interested in orchestra so there's only about 10-15 kids total in that class. Which means the teacher doesn't really mind if we take our instruments home to practice.

I took out my folder that contained my sheet music and shoved it in my backpack, along with my homework folder. I closed my locker before turning on my heel and making my way to the music room.


I saw the classroom come into view as I rounded the final corner. I had to travel across the entire school to get to the music room. The reason it was way in the back of the school was so the marching band could have quick access to the field.

The door was open and I could see a few kids in there picking up their instruments. I go inside and to the backroom where all the instruments are kept, and pick up the case that has my name on it.

I went back to the teacher's desk to check out my instrument. He just nodded his head and wrote something down on his notepad. I took that as my cue to leave and headed back the way I came.

I could already tell that my feet were gonna be sore by the time I got home.


Rounding the corner, I can see my house come into view and further down the street I can see a desolate looking house surrounded by a large empty field. Jonathan lived there, I'd seen him go there, with an odd look on his face, like he despised going there. I wonder what happened there that could make him so apprehensive to even enter.

Even at school, when he looks uninterested and stoic, he has a distant look in his eyes. The same one that appears on his face as he makes his trek to that large, grim house at the end of the street.

Before I know it, I'm walking through the front door and dodging an apple. I look in the direction it came from and see my siblings, a pair of twins, girl and boy, giggling behind the couch. I give them a scowl and they run off into the kitchen, probably where mother is, while giggling their heads off. Sometimes I contemplate leaving them in the middle of nowhere.

I bend down to retrieve the apple that had tried to make my head its target, and kick off my shoes before trudging upstairs. I pass by my sister's room on the way, seeing her playing on our PS1. The only reason it's in her room and not in the living room is 'cause she plays it the most.

The twins aren't interested in the console, preferring to play outside with the neighbor's kids. I'm too focused on going through high school with topnotch grades to play with her. Sometimes when I have nothing to do and have finished all my studies, I go and watch her play. She always seems so happy when I come and spend some time with her.

I open the door to my room and see that my drawers are open, some of my clothes strewn about. I already know it was those demons, Samantha and Chris, they always dig through my stuff when I'm not here so they can snatch my saved up money.

I'm gonna have to sift through their piggy-banks so I can get back what they took. I throw my backpack on my bed, setting down my violin case by the door, and cleaning my room while trying to figure out just exactly how much they took.

After my room has been put back to how it was before I left for school, I've figured they've taken about 5 bucks from me. I take a peek out my window and see the twins sitting on the grass, munching sandwiches and sipping from juice boxes, now's my chance.

I run as quietly as I can to their room and find their piggy-banks hidden under their beds. I removed the tabs at the bottom and took back what was taken from me. They have to know that you reap what you sow, if mother won't teach them then I will.

I went back to my room and put the money in my wallet, making sure to hide it in my wallet so they won't find it next time. I take my music folder from my backpack and pick up my case, planning to head to the basement to practice. I get very embarrassed having my family listen to me as I play. So I play in the basement seeing as any noise from down there is muffled.

On the way to the basement I once again pass my sister's room, except this time my mother's in there, scolding her to turn off the console and do her homework. I snicker at her when we make eye contact and keep walking to the basement, flipping on the light switch.

I go down the steps carefully, keeping an eye out for nasty little bugs and spiders. I look around trying to find a spot where I can set up my music sheets, and decide on a spot near the wall. I moved a chair over to my spot and practiced until my fingers ached.

An Unrequited Love {Jonathan Crane x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now