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It was a little awkward silently following Jonathan, but I'm pretty sure he heard my footsteps behind him.

'Aw man, we're gonna miss lunch because of those jerks! Yes, the food sucks but I didn't eat breakfast today!'

Whilst I was having this inner turmoil, I didn't notice we had made it to the nurses office, nor did I notice that Jonathan stopped until I had rammed into his back.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!"

I quickly took a step away from him, my face turning red out of embarrassment. As I was trying to calm down I didn't see him turn around and look at me, with that analyzing gaze of his.

"Why did you help me? You do know what he'll do to you if he finds out you helped me like this, right?"

I couldn't deny that he had a point, but I couldn't just stand by when I saw him get hurt right in front of me. 

"I wanted to help because I couldn't just watch something like that and not do anything."

I held my hands behind my back and rocked on my heels. He didn't really have a reaction, he still kept that stoic look on his face. I tried not to let my eyes linger on his face, that'd make this situation more awkward for me than it already is.

"What's your name? I'm Jonathan Crane."

Do I sense the beginning of a friendship forming? I'm probably going mad, but I'll take any chance I can get to become closer to Jonathan.

I gave him a closed eye smile, stuck out my hand to him and gave him my name.

"Nice to meet you."

He reluctantly shook my hand before bidding me a farewell and entered the nurse's office.

I turned on my heel and made my way back to my locker to retrieve my backpack. I think that went as well as it could have.

Hopefully, we'll end up being friends. With that little conversation with Jonathan, my day went from 'meh' to great, even if I did have to see him get beaten up.


Once again, I'm staring at the clock and waiting for that damned bell to ring. Computer Science was alright, there weren't a lot of kids in this class and we're the only class that got to use the computers. But they're very old and not all of them were in working condition.

When the bell finally rings the teacher tells us to walk out of the classroom or we'll have to stay after school for five minutes. That seems like a very unfair punishment, but since none of us want to stay behind we all walk out.

I slowly make my way to my locker, so by the time I arrive there the halls will be empty. I lean on the locker next to mine and input my combination.

When it doesn't open I give it a good few tugs until it does. I drop my bag on the floor and put all my books inside the locker, only keeping my folders.

I heard the locker behind me open and I already know who it is. I shouldn't come on too strong and act like we're friends after having one conversation.

After checking that I have my homework, I zip up my bag and close my locker. Letting my backpack hang off one shoulder, I spare a passing glance at Jonathan, before making my way out.

My locker is pretty far from the entrance, so I started thinking of getting a book from the library to pass the time .

I don't know what book I'll get but I'll have plenty of time to browse. Speaking of books, I think Jonathan was reading a book before our first class, I didn't catch the name of it so I can't check it out.

Once I make it to the entrance of the school, the lady at the front desk waves goodbye to me so I wave back shyly. I don't want to seem rude by not waving back, that's not how I was raised.

I push through the double doors and take a deep breath of that hot Georgia air. Fall starts next month so that means the weather will get chilly and the leaves will turn a beautiful orange. Fall has to be my favorite out of the four seasons, especially since my favorite holiday is in the fall.

I walked down the steps in front of me, listening to the doors close behind me, and started my trek home. I'm not that far from the school when I hear the double doors open and close, I turn to see who it was, only to see nothing. Whoever came out must have left in a hurry, 'cause I don't see anyone going down the stairs. 

I turned back around and continued making my way home, stopping at a bench so I could take off my sweater and shove it in my bag.

I didn't notice when someone walked up behind me until I turned around, ready to go home and finally eat something before I got a headache, but I was terribly surprised to see Jonathan standing behind me. 

A small yelp had left me as I jumped back, clutching the part of my shirt that rested over my heart. I pointed an accusing finger at Jonathan, my anxiety leaving my body for the moment, to yell at him.

"You! Don't sneak up behind people! I almost had a heart attack!" 

He waited until I had calmed down before speaking.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to properly thank you for helping me out earlier."

"Well, you're welcome, I uh- apologize for yelling."

I glanced down at my watch to check the time, missing the dark smile that had crossed his face.

'I'm starving, but I don't want to just leave after he thanked me, then it'll just seem like I want to get away from him.'

He must have seen what time it was on my watch 'cause the next thing he said was, "I'll be taking my leave now, I've said all I needed and I must get home to my grandmother. Have a good evening."

He quickly turned on his heel and walked away, going down the same street I take home. I waited until he was a ways away before I continued on my way home. It would have been extremely awkward if he walked away only for me to walk right behind him. 

'This has been a really long day.'

An Unrequited Love {Jonathan Crane x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now