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I was so into my own world that I didn't notice when someone sat at the desk beside me. I watched the flowers in the bushes outside, feeling a shiver go down my spine when I saw a few bees hovering around them.

I can't help but fear them, they're tiny, make that awful buzzing noise and wave around their little stingers.

The bell suddenly rang, causing me to jump in my seat and from the corner of my eye I saw the person next to me put something away in their bag. I put my hands on my lap and took a few deep breaths. 

Soon students began to file in, taking seats next to their friends and hoping there wasn't a seating chart.

I finally take a peek at the person next to me and for the second time today butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Jonathan freaking Crane was in my class and sitting right next to me.

'Oh my lord! God must be answering all of my prayers! All those good deeds I've done are finally paying off!'

Far too soon, my attention, as well as the rest of the class, was drawn to the teacher who had dropped a book onto his desk. He gave us a cheerful smile as he welcomed us to our last year in high school.

He said after he did roll call he'd pass out some papers that were a part of today's lesson. The mere mention of a lesson had everybody, except Jonathan, groaning in annoyance. Even I let out a small sigh.

I can't believe this jerk is making us do a lesson on the first day. I heard Jonathan let out a low scoff from next to me, he's such a bookworm. He tells us get to our things ready as he starts the roll call.

I lay my chin on the table and wait for my name to be called. I can already tell this is gonna be a long day.


I didn't know I'd also have Math class with Jonathan! I had just taken my seat by the door, so I could be the first out for lunch, when low and behold, Jonathan walks in and sits a few desks over to my left.

I'm going to die of a heart attack today, I just know it. It's almost the end of class and I couldn't even pay attention to the lesson because of Jonathan. Also because the girls who wouldn't stop giggling in the back of the class.

When the bells ring I book it out of there, having already put my things away beforehand. I make my way towards my locker, bumping shoulders with kids on their way to the cafeteria. 

Finally arriving at my locker, I rest against it and wait there until the hall becomes barren. I push myself off the wall of lockers and open my locker, this time having no trouble opening it on the first try.

I hear footsteps coming down the hall at a fast pace, I look to my left and see Jonathan turn the corner sharply before running down the hallway and past me. The next thing I see is Bo and his group of jocks turn the corner and run after Jonathan, calling him Ichabod and taunting him. 

Once they all turn another corner I shove my bag into my locker and run after them, being careful not to be noticed. I heard the footsteps cease as something hit the lockers. 

I had skidded to a stop just before I turned the corner and hid behind the wall. I peeked around the corner to see Bo's friends holding Jonathan against the lockers while Bo himself was delivering blows to Jonathan's stomach. 

I cringed and tried to listen to what Bo was saying. 

"I heard you were staring at my Sherry, Ichabod!"

Then he punched Jonathan directly to the face. Blood dripped from his lips as he was trying to catch his breath from when he was punched in his stomach.

"If I hear you were staring at her again, there's gonna be a harsher punishment."

The guys that weren't holding onto Jonathan were laughing and throwing the stuff that was in his bag onto the floor. After Bo delivered his final blow, he and his friends left, going down the hall opposite from where I was hiding. 

I looked at Jonathan and he was on the floor, trying to grab his things and struggling to catch his breath. I looked around to make sure none of Bo's friends were still around, before jogging down the hallway towards Jonathan.

I saw him go stiff when he heard me come up from behind him. I knelt down next to him and picked up some of his things.

"Are you alright? They didn't rough you up too bad did they?"

'That was a very stupid question, of course he's not alright. You idiot!'

He didn't answer me, instead he took the objects that were in my hands and put them in his bag. Once all of his things were put back in their rightful place. he tried to stand up

He stumbled forward so I took hold of his elbow to help stabilize him before he pushed me away.

"I'm fine, I don't need your help."

Well that was total bull, but I don't want to overstep my boundaries. After all, this is the first time we've ever spoken. I want to at least help him as much as I can.

"At least let me make sure you go to the nurses office. If you want, I won't say a word of what happened."

Once again he kept quiet, but he did turn on his heel and start heading in the direction of the nurse. I didn't know what to do, so I stayed a few paces behind him and followed him.

An Unrequited Love {Jonathan Crane x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now