You Escaped Like a Runaway Train

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I threw myself down in my english seat, I sat inbetween Rian and an empty chair. The first half of the lesson dragged on, I wasn't really paying any attention. The teacher, Mr Spouse was about hakfway through a sentence when I couldn't take being sat still listening for the whole lesson. My hand shot into the air. I'd rather spend the next 20 minutes wandering the haklls than sitting here.

'Yes Ms Cole?' he said, giving me a stern look, he disliked me. A lot.

'Can I go to the bathroom?' I said, he sighed,

'Okay fine, take a pass' he said, waving to them sitting on his desk, turning back to the board and ontinuing speaking about what ever the fuck it was he was saying. I stood up and sauntered over to his desk and grabbed a pass, alking quickly to the door. I let out a sigh of relief and  walked off down the corridor.

I'd been walking for a good 10 minutes through the lonely halls of the school, my mind on that british boy from this morning. I wanted to know his name really bad. I bet is was a pretty name. I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of another set of footsteps behind me, I stopped and turned. Expecting it to be Mr Spouse coming to hunt me down but instead I was pleasantly surprised by british boy. He was staring at a map of the school, a look of utter confusion on his face. 

'You lost?' I said to him, he practically jumped out his skin and looked up at me. I walked over to him

'Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you' I said, he chuckled.

'It's fine' 

'Do you need a hand?' I asked, he smiled

'That would be great' he said and I took the map out his hands.

'First thing' I said and ripped the map in half, there was a look of shock on his face.

'It's bulshit, the school got renovated after the map was made, they're to lazy to fix it' I said


'Just stick with me, you'll be fine' I said, he smiled.

'I'd like that' he said and I blushed a bit

'Can I see your schedule?' I said

'You're not going to rip it up are you?' he said, raising an eyebrow at me with a lopsided smile, I giggled and shook my head so he handed it to me. I scanned it for a second.

'Shouldn't you be in class?' he said

'Meh' I replied 'I hate english, felt like going for a walk' he laughed, it was a nice laugh. 

'We have gym, history and math together' I said, handing him back his schedule.

'Do you know where my english class is?' he said 'Mr Spouse'

'That's where I'm heading, I'll show you' I replied

'Thank you...' he said, angling for my name

'Rylie' I replied

'Nice to meet you Rylie, I'm Alex' he said, I smiled. Alex. I liked it.

'Thanks for the help, I really have no friends, starting in the middle of the year really sucks' Alex said, I smiled.

'Well I'll be your friend,' I said he grinned

'I ike the sound of that' he said

'I'm sure my friends will like you' I said, his smile fell slightly

'You're friends?' he said

'They're all dudes, don't panic' I said, he smiled again. I really liked that smile. I inclinded my head for him to follow me and started off in the direction of Mr Spouse's room.

'I found some fresh meat on the way to the bathroom Mr Spouse!' I said as we walked into the classroom.

'Ah yes, I was expecting you mr Garthcast he said'

'Gaskarth' Alex muttered, as I slipped off to my seat. Alex Gaskarth. I really liked that name.

'Well you can just take that seat next to Rylie then' Mr Spouse said and Alex wandered over and sat next to me. Though we were only there for 5 minutes before the lesson ended.

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