In The Mourning

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I sighed, stuffing my books into my locker. 

''Hey Rylie'' Zack said, walking to the locker to the right off mine and openeing it, pulling out a couple books.

''Good morning Zack'' I said, l stifling a yawn.

''are you alright?'' he asked ''you look like shit'' 

''Thanks man'' I said, yawning again and dropping a couple books out my bag. 

''I got it'' someone said, picking my books up off the floor. I smiled as Alex handed them to me. I frowned.

''There's something different about you'' I said, not quite putting my finger on it. He smiled, a dimple appearing in my left cheek and ran his hand though his hair. It suddenly struck me, his hair was black. 

''Oh'' I said, not really knowing what to say. I really like it actually.

''What do you think?'' he said, shuffling his feet.

''I love it'' I said with a smile, he grinned, we stood in silence for a seond, him just looking into my eyes. 

''Guys!'' I heard Jack yell from down the hall, we all turned and saw him running at us. Rian trying to keep up a couple paces behind him.

''What is it Jackaroo?'' I asked, looking away from Alex and blushing.

''You're wanted in the principal's office'' Jack said to me, raising his eye brows. I groaned, completely forgetting I'd hit a guy in the face yesterday. 

''Rylie Cole to the principal's office immediately please'' a voice said, crackling through the telecom of the school. 

''Ah fuck'' I muttered

''Good luck Rye'' Rian said, patting me on the shoulder before walking off to his first class, Jack and Zack following.

''God dammit'' I muttered

''I'm sorry Rylie'' Alex said, smiling sadly as the first bell sounded ''Have fun, you bad girl'' he added winking 


You bad girl? What the fuck Alex? That wasn't flirting that was just pure creepiness. I walked away from Rylie slowly, probably leaving her completely baffled about my behaviour.  Unless she actually thought it was flirting but it was so cringey that I'd probably just scared her off.

I slid into my seat in english, next to Rylie's empty chair, Rian sitting one across from me. I was actually missing her right now. I sighed, leaning my head in my hands as Mr Spouse started the lesson. What would happen if I told her I had feelings for her? Does she feel the same way? She flirted with me a bit though, I think? Was it flirting or was she just being nice to me? How would I even go about asking her out? Hi Rylie, it's me, the guy you've known for a week and you've seen cry before, would you wanna catch a movie sometime? I scoffed at the sheer pathetic sound of that sentence.

''Mr Garthcast' Mr Spouse snapped, I looked up at him. ''Somethig funny you'd like to share with the whole class?''

''It's Gaskarth'' I muttered

''What was that?'' he snapped again

''Nothing sir'' I said in monotone

''Well pay attention'' he said, turning back to the board. The door creaked open and Rylie slipped in.

''Thank you for joining us Ms Cole'' Mr Spouse 

''You're welcome'' she muttered, slipping into her chair. I couldn't help but snicker, she unloaded her books from her bag. I waited for her to finish before asking.

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