Down Again

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I sat with Rylie, Jack, Zack and Rian after school. Apparently they "studied" for an hour in the park after school everyday, which had already ended up in a grass fight breaking out and Rylie punching Jack in the stomach for getting it in her eyes. I liked Rylie a lot, she was really pretty with the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen. I'm not sure if this Jack guys is her boyfriend or they're just really close. The way she looked at me with those piercing eyes, it was like she was studying me, searching for something. 

'Earth to Alex?' Rylie said, waving a hand in front of my face, I snapped up and looked at her. She grinned at me, I smiled back. 


'we better head' Rian said to Zack, who nodded. They grabbed their bags and started walking away. Leaving me alone with Jack and Alex. I looked over at Jack, who smirked.

'I better go to actually!' he said and left. 

'So where do you stay?' I asked Alex

'23rd street' he said, I smiled, it was a couple down from me. I was about to reply when a large drop of rain landed on the end of my nose. 

'Ah fuck' Alex said, pulling up his hood.

'It's just a little bit of rain Alex' I said, standing up. He rolled his eyes and stood up too.

'So where do you live?' he said, pushing his hands in his pockets as we walked out the park.

'26th' I said, as we took off down the street towards his house, which was slightly further than mine.


we walked in silence for a while, I was trying to think of stuff to talk about that wouldn't make me look stupid. Rulie was walking pretty close to me and I stole a glance at her, her fire coloured hair was just starting to curl at the bottom because of the rain, her eyes on her shoes as she walked, which I noticed where the same battered pair as me. She looked up suddenly and i quickly looked down, not wanting to be caught staring. 

'So Alex?' she said

'So Rylie.' I replied 

'We should talk about something because this ilence is annoying' she said and I chuckled.

'What do you want to talk about then?' I said

'I don't know' she said 'what's your middle name?'

'William' I said, laughing at the randomness of her questio, she scoffed.

'Alexander William Gaskarth' she said in a posh english accent, I chuckled. 

'What's yours then?' I said

'Cathrine' she said, I smiled, I really couldn't make fun of that. Rylie Cathrine Cole, nice name.

'What's your favourite colour?' I said, she laughed.

'Orange' she said

'I figured' I commented looking at her hair, she laughed. 'Mine's blue' 

We carried on walking for a while, just asking werd questions and laughing at the banter of the situation. Apparently her favourite band was My Chemical Romance, I'd never listened to them before  but she pushed a headphone in my ear and made me listen to "Bullets, best shit around" as she had so delicately put it. Then promised me to download them when I got home. We'd talked about food, her favourite being pizza, I told her mine was these amazing chocolate things my mum made. She's asked me if I'd make them for her one day and from the sincerity of her voice, I'd promised I would.

'So what's your family like?' she asked, my eyes dropped to my shoes.

'Um, just me and my parents right now, you?'

'I have a brother' she said, I smiled, slightly confuesed about her not mentioning anything abut her parents. We stopped in front of my two stroy white house.

'Wow' Rylie breathed

'Yeah' I said looking away 'So I'll see you tomorrow?'

'Yeah, do you take the bus?' she said with a smile

'Yeah' I replied

'See you then' she said,

I walked up to my front door, looked back for a second at Rylie, just to make sure I didn;t dream her but sure enough, she was standing there. She gave me a wave and I turned into my door and pushed it open, walking into my house and shutting the door behind me, leaning against it and dropping my bag on the floor. Why was my heart beating so fast?

'Alex is that you honey?' my mum yelled from the kitchen

'Yeah it's me' I called back

'How was your first day?' she asked, walking into the hall

'Fine' I said smiling to myself 'Just fine.'

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