Drowning In A River of Denial

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My alarm clock started beeping loudly, pulling me from a perfectly peaceful sleep and filling the  unbroken silence in my bedroom. My eyes flickered open and I groaned. Monday morning. Fuck. I hated mondays,and all the days after that until Friday afternoon. I hated school and everyone in it and to be fair they hated me to. I was just that emo kid no one liked. Slowly I pulled myself out of bed. I looked at myself in the mirror, bright orange hair, blue eyes, way to skinny with sticky out collar bones. Sighing, I pulled on my clothes. Black jeans and a red My Chemical Romance shirt.

I heard a bang from downstairs then my big brother Max swearing. Rolling my eyes I headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, Max was kneeling on the floor, grumbling to himself as he attempted to push a load of pans back inside a cupboard.

'Need a hand there?' I said and he almost jumped out his skin, he turned around and chuckled at me.

'Geez Rylie' he said pushing the rest in and shutting the door quickly 'you gave me a heart attack' 

I just laughed and grabbed the toast he'd made for me. Me and Max lived alone, you see Max is 23, I just turned 16. We were orphans, for 2 years now. Our parents had past away, both of them, in a car crash. It was either we go to a foster home or we live alone in the house. Max's job just about paid the rent every month with just enough left over for essentials but we could never have anything else. I heard the school bus pull up outside my house.

'See you tonight Max!' I yelled, running out the front door, grabbing my school bag on the way. 

I clambered onto the school bus, scanning the rows for my creepy ass friends. I saw Jack and Rian near the back, lobbing tiny pieces of eraser at each other. I rolled my eyes at them and slid past Jack into the window seat. 

'Good morning RYLIIIIEEEEE!' Jack said, throwing a rather large piece of eraser in my face. I laughed the lobbed it back at my best friend. He just smiled at me before throwing at Rian and hitting him square inbetween the eyes. I went back to staring out the window, as our high school came into view. I let out a long sigh. I hated this place so much. The bus pulled up in front of the school. I jumped off the bus, Jack and Rian following. We walked in the school with all the other teenagers, we got in the front door and the oh-so-familar smell of bleach, chlorine and footballer's b.o. washed over me.

'Shoelace' Jack said to me and I looked down, noticing the laces to my beaten up converse was undone.  I beant down to tie it back up. Jack and Rian carried on walking over to our lockers, where Zack was standing, pulling science books out hs locker. We'd paid half the people in the school to switch with us, just so we could manage to get 4 lockers right next to each other. Once I was finished I tried to stand up but was pushed back down again, knocking my school books allover the floor, which was followed by a lot of stuck up laughing. 

'Watch where you're going loser' said Brittany Fox, slutiest bitch in our year. I looked up through my fringe, I saw Jack, Zack and Rian watching me. I just shrugged and pushed myself up with my palms so I was sitting on my knees and started picking up my books that were surrounding my on the floor. I looked up at my friends through my fringe who were giving me sympathetic looks. None of them got picked on like me, I don't understand why I was bullied the way I was. Maybe cause I had all guy friends. There were so many rumours about me being gay that no one really ever wanted to be my friend. Except Jack who'd stuck by me since we shared a box of animal crackers in kindergarden. I stood up quickly, my books in my arms attempting to avoid the gazes of people but smacking straight into someone, knocking the books out my arms again and I fell to the floor from the sheer force I walked into them.

'I'm so sorry' I heard a male's voice say from above me with a slight tinge of an english accent. I liked it.

'I'm fine' I said, looking up at the guy who was speaking. 


He had  long brown hair that fell just about his shoulders, with a black overhanging beanie. He had a black shirt on with the words 'New Found Glory' across it, wth blue wash jeans and a silver studded belt. He crouched down next to me and helped me pick up my books, he handed them to me and then held out his hand to help me up. 

'Thanks' I said, he smied breifly before walking down a hallway, keeping his gaze to the floor. I watching him go, one of the footballer jerks yelling faggot at him as he did, he ignored them and rounded the corner. It suddenly struck my I'd never caught his name. Sighing I carefully walked over to my friends, who were all giving me looks.

'What?' I said, blushing and opening my locker and pushing in the books I didn't need. The guy was good looking, I'm glad he knocked me down.

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