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I was woken up by the sun coming through the crack between the curtains. It took me some time to be fully awake. When I was, I checked my phone and it was only 8 in the morning. I usually don't wake up this early but right now I just couldn't go back to sleep.

I got ready and left my room. Yesterday my mom told me she would text me in the morning to tell me that she's awake. She hasn't texted yet so I came to the conclusion that they're still sleeping. I left my mom a text just telling her I was gonna go eat and that I'll meet them where they are when they wake up.

I made my way through the silent corridor and got to the main area where all the restaurants are and stuff. It was really calm compared to yesterday afternoon. I'm not someone that likes to be in crowded places with a lot of noise right when I wake up so I really liked that it was calmer than it was.

I found a little restaurant that wasn't too crowded and that seemed to have good food for breakfast. Food was included in the trip so I didn't have to have my own money. We have little bracelets, just like Disney, to pay.

I sat down and gave my order to the waitress. This place gave me a little café in the middle of the city type of vibe. I was just looking around when I heard a familiar voice. I tried to look whose voice it could've been. The only people I know on the ship are my parents and brother and it wasn't one of them. I didn't have time to find whose voice it was that my food arrived.

I was still trying to find whose voice it could be. I don't know anyone here. It could also just be someone at my school that's here too but the voice seemed too familiar to just be some random person at school. I looked around me again just to see if I had missed a face that could be familiar when my eyes landed on a table with 4 boys and 2 girls. None of them seemed familiar to me beside one of them who had his back to me but I couldn't see his face. I was about to look somewhere else when I heard they're conversation. I didn't want to look like I was listening so I looked at my food and tried to listen to what they were talking about. I know that it wasn't right but I'm way too curious.

"Mate, isn't that the girl we saw you with yesterday?" one of them asked in a teasing manner. I couldn't help myself but lift my head up and I regretted it instantly.

There he was. The gorgeous boy from yesterday. He was looking at me right in my eyes and I was doing the same. His gaze gave me butterflies in my stomach. Come on Charlie get it together. I gave him a small smile and looked at my phone that was in my hand. It was locked with a black screen but he couldn't see it so who cares. Not long after I heard them starting to talk again. I peaked over my phone trying to not be obvious that I was looking.

"uh yeah that's her." the boy from yesterday said and scratched the back of his neck.

"She's cute but looks a little bit young don't you think." one of the girls said and I took this as my cue to stop listening.

I already finished my food so I took all my stuff and made my way to my room.


"Mate, isn't that the girl we saw you with yesterday?" Ashton teased pointing at someone behind me. I turned to look if he was really talking the girl I met yesterday and he was right. There she was. Her long blonde hair falling in front of her eyes. I think she felt like someone was looking because she looked up and made eye contact. She didn't look like it's been a long time since she's woken up yet she still look beautiful. When I saw her yesterday for the first time I didn't know what it was but she took my breath away. She gave me a small smile and looked at her phone

So she does remember me. That's nice. Really nice. I turned back around to look at Ashton and the rest.

"uh yeah that's her." I replied back scratching the back of my neck.

"She's cute but she looks a little bit young don't you think." Crystal asked with an unsure look on her face.

"Well I don't know how old she is but I know she's old enough to have her own room." I replied. There was this rule, I don't know if you can call it a rule, but you could only have a room to yourself if you were 18 or older. So when I helped her find her room and realize that she was alone I knew right away she was 18 or older. I turned around again to look at her but she was making her way out. I turned around to look at my friends and I asked them. "Would I look like a creep if I tried to get to know her? or get her number?"

"Awww does our little Luke have a crush." Calum laughed and nudged my side.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna head back to my room and get ready." I said getting up from my seat and starting to leave.

"Don't kidnap the girl, she has a life to live." Michael said loud enough that I could hear him from the other side of the restaurant I only showed him my middle finger and left.

By going back to my room right after that girl left I was kind of hoping to 'accidentally' bump into her. And I actually saw her but she didn't see me. She was only wearing a bikini top and some shorts. I won't admit it but some thoughts came to my mind. She was texting someone on her phone so I dont think she even saw me. Guessing by the outfit she was wearing I came to the conclusion she was probably going to the pool. Right at this moment Michael texted me to join them to the pool when I'm done with whatever I was doing. I changed into a bathing suit, instead of the jeans I was wearing, took my guitar and went outside. It's not because we're on vacation that I can't write songs right?


When I got to my room my mom finally texted me telling me to wait for them at the pool and they were now eating breakfast. I changed into one of the new bikinis I bought right before coming here. It was one of my favorites that I bought so far. It was really simple but super cute. I put some shorts on and took a t-shirt in my hand along with my sketch book. This is one thing that only my family knows. None of my friends know I can draw and I'm planning on keeping it that way. I share a lot of things with my friends and you know sometimes you just want to keep some stuff for you even if it's a small thing. When I got everything I left my room and texted my mom I was on my way to the pool.

I found somewhere to sit where it didn't have much sun. I didn't want to start tanning yet. I took my sketchbook and continued a drawing I started a few days ago. It was just a portrait of a woman I imagined in my head. My mom always tells me how impressive it is that I can draw such a realistic portrait of people without someone that I can get inspiration from. To be honest I feel like I'm way better at doing things in my head than drawing something or someone who is right in front of me.

After a while of being in my own bubble I heard someone playing guitar. I did have my headphones so I wasn't sure if it was my music or if someone really was playing. I looked around and saw that it was the boy from yesterday. He seemed like he was with his friends so I just stayed where I was. I secretly look at him while listening to him play. He was playing some strings and writing some things in his notebook. Is he writing a song or something? I only realized I was starting when he looked up from his notebook and made eye contact for the second time today. He smiled at me and I swear I could've died. His smile was everything. He put down his guitar, said something to his friends and got up. I instantly put my gaze on my drawing. Please tell me he's not coming here. Even if I wasn't looking at him I could still see that he was walking towards me. Oh god please tell me he's not coming here. Please.


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*the bathing suit*

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*the bathing suit*

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