✿ lollipop?

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The loud ringing of the bell echoed throughout Yua Kaito's ears, the sound bringing him out of his daydream filled with k-drama scenes.

All the students around him began packing up their stuff, some shoving papers into their bags while talking to their friends and others slowly and carefully packing up, neatly organizing their papers and pens.

Yua was a part of the latter, carefully closing his notebook and placing it in between his other notebooks, and stashing his pens and pencils into their places. Yua liked keeping things organized, if they were organized, he didn't have to clean them later and had more time to daydream and study, maybe watch his shows too.

As he finished packing his stuff he stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder, he walked along the halls of his school, his steps slow. As he walked he avoided the people who stood in the middle of the hall talking to their friends.

Yua didn't really have any friends, just simple acquaintances, sometimes people asked him to do their homework, but Yua never let them walk over him. He hated people like that, people who used others for their personal gain.

Every time he saw people like those around he stepped in, if he didn't feel like it was right, he would stand in and protect, simple as that.

Yua finally got to the shoe lockers, switching out his school shoes for his outside shoes and he began walking towards the bus station while taking out his snacks from his bag.

He already wanted to be home, to just lay in bed and take a very much needed nap.


As Yua finally arrived to the bus station he sat down on a bench and waited for the bus, taking out his phone and headphones he started listening to music while looking around, trying to spot the bus

He waited for about 20 minutes before he finally spotted the bus, standing up while slinging his bag onto his shoulder. When the bus finally stopped in front of him he walked up to the doors, passing his student card and looking around for a seat.

Around the back the bus was crowded, people standing all together, while at the front, there were a bunch of empty seats. Yua only lifted an eyebrow, wondering why everyone looked so tense and why they all chose to be crowded instead of sitting in one of the open seats.

He shrugged and sat beside a white haired male. He was really tall, or at least taller than Yuas  5'9 stature, he had wide shoulders and his arms looked toned. 'probably an athlete' thought Yua while looking at those big guns. The taller male also had white shaggy hair and almost no eyebrows.

Yua and the tall stranger sat beside each other for a while, until Yua couldn't stand the silence anymore, he reached into his bag and pulled out two lollipops, unwrapping one of them and sticking it into his mouth. He then offered the other one to the white haired male he was sat beside.

The white haired male stared at the pink wrapper of the lollipop that Yua was offering to him, blinking at it owlishly. Yua shook it around a little, "do you want it?" he asked, looking straight into the white haired males eyes.

The latter nodded slightly and took it from Yua's grasp, muttering a very small "thank you" towards Yua. Yua smiled sweetly and took his own lollipop out of his mouth, extending the hand that wasnt holding it towards the other male.

"Kaito Yua" he said with a sweet smile, still holding out his hand for a handshake or whatever.

The white haired males eyes slightly widened, not expecting the other male to say anything to him after giving him a lollipop. He extended his hand and shook Yua's.

"Takanobu Aone" he muttered, the corners of his lips slightly lifting up.

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