✿ my polar bear

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It had then been a few days after the InterHigh.

Yua, Fukutachi and Aone had hung out a bit, Yua asking it of them to try and cheer them up from their loss. He didn't want or like to see them sad, it made his heart ache immensely.

They had simply went to a little arcade in the corner of a little street.

The time passed as they enjoyed playing games, Fukutachi making small bets with Yua but winning most of the games, Aone was more focused on watching them play together, once leaving them to try get Yua a stuffed wolf that looked like Puma.

They're day ended and they left, Fukutachi splitting off from them with a smile on his face. It made Yua happy that he was able to make him happy.

Yua walked back home with Aone, their fingers intertwined together as Yua swung them back and forth with a giddy smile. They reached the front of Yuas home and stood there awkwardly for a few seconds.

That was until Yua felt his hand being tugged forward and into Aone's chest. He lifted his other hand and put it on his chest to steady himself and gazed up at Aone.

Aone looked down and furrowed his (nonexistent) eyebrows, "tomorrow" he whispered.


"our date"

Yua gasped slightly and brought out a giant grin, clutching Aone's hand tighter, "really?!"

Aone nodded, a chuckle coming out of his mouth, "tomorrow at 11, dress comfy cub"

Yua nodded, so Aone leaned down and kissed his forehead. Kissing had become something slightly casual between the two, although both got blushes on their cheeks. Neither had kissed on the lips though, only kissing each other's cheeks and foreheads.

Aone let go of Yuas hand and slightly stepped back, watching Yua walk into his garden and waving at him when he waved.

Then he began walking, his mind running with date ideas even though he knew the perfect one.

It was now the next day and Yua woke up early to a goodmorning text from Aone.

He looked at the time and sighed with relief, it was 8:30 and he had plenty of time to get ready.

June slammed the door open and began smashing the pots and pans she had in her hands together, screeching at Yua to wake up for his date.

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