✿ hot stripper

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Yua walked into his house, walking through the carefully crafted garden his mother, June, had created.

As a kid, Yua used to help her, they used to have a ton of fun, but that all slowly ended as Yua found his romance shows, also as he started maturing. But he still helped in sometimes. He was proud of what his mother and him had created, he sometimes liked sitting down on the little bench they installed.

It was a peach pink bench, decorated by some hello kitty stickers Yua had found cute in his childhood, he sneaked some in thinking his mom would be mad, but she wasn't.

The next day from that she showed up through the door with a huge grin plastered on her face, a ton of stickers in some bags, a long with chocolates.

Yua remembers spending the whole day with her, eating the chocolate while randomly slapping the stickers onto the bench.


As Yua finally got to the front porch of his house he saw Fish and Puma staring at him, Puma pawing at the door and Fish gnawing on a stuffed cow.

Yua opened the door and the smell of his moms cooking drifted into his nose, he could already tell she made his favorite, he grinned happily and jogged into the kitchen, not before closing the door after his dogs walked in though.

He went into the kitchen and saw his mom there. Her long blonde hair swishing as she danced to some music while cooking. He slung an arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"hi mom!" he said with a grin, stealing the spoon she was holding, quickly scooping up some rice and eating it before getting smacked in the cheek.

He pouted and rubbed his slightly red cheek as he chewed. Yua playfully glared at his smiling mother.
"how was your day Yu?" she asked as she snatched the spoon from his hand.

Yua sat down on the kitchen island and grabbed a chocolate from a bowl, starting to rant about how dumb and boring his school classes where, but he quickly brightened up.

"i think I made a friend!" he half shouted, gaining an exited glint in his eyes, beginning to kick his legs back and forth.

June turned around and raised an eyebrow. "oh?"

"his names Aone and I met him at the bus, he was sitting alone and everyone was avoiding him so I sat beside him since he looked sad, also because there was no more space." ranted Yua, he still felt bad for Aone having to sit alone.

June smiled at her son, sensing something in his tone. "how's he like?"

"well he was really quiet, not really speaking much, but when I mentioned sports he spoke a ton about volleyball and his team, he's apparently in date tech and their nickname is "iron wall". It sounds so cool right?!" Yua ranted with his grin still intact.

June simply smiled and nodded, before ushering her son upstairs to freshen up for dinner. Yua nodded and hopped off the counter, grabbing his bag that was on the floor and beginning to jog upstairs with Puma and Fish hot on his heels.

He walked into his room and grabbed a random hoodie and shorts along with underwear and walked into his bathroom.

Yua's room was decorated with random band posters, his room walls were a light green, he had a big bed in the corner of his room beside a big window, the blinds half closed. He had a desk in the other corner of his room, the desk was filled with random notebooks and notes, his laptop closed on top of some notes. In the other corner of the room were two doggy beds side by side, One being purple and the other being blue.

Yua took a shower, lathering his body with his coconut soap before finishing with his shower, stepping out and grabbing a baby blue towel, he dried off his body before putting on his clothes. He walked out of the bathroom while drying his hair and almost tripping on Pumas leg.

He shot a quick glare at her whining figure before grabbing his bag and pulling out the homework. Yua shoved in his headphones and began to work, slightly humming along.


An hour passed since Yua started doing his work, he had finished and was now laid down on his bead, he grabbed his phone before deciding to shot Aone a quick message. He opened up the message app and changed Aones nickname.


Hot Stripper > hi :D

Polar Bear > Hello?

Hot Stripper > its Yua!

Polar Bear > why is your nickname "hot stripper"?


Yua blushed, remembering himself typing in that nickname, he didn't know why he did it but he did. He sighed and tried changing the topic, soon having a full blown conversation with Aone on how dogs were better than cats.

They stayed talking for an hour, until Yua heard the front door opening and a loud voice yelling a hey.

He grinned and began running downstairs, after saying a cute goodbye to Aone

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