✿ next time-

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June smiled and opened the gate for her son and Aone, closing it behind them as they entered, then she followed them down the path, she didn't take her easel and paintbrushes. She just left them there since her neighborhood was peaceful anyways.

Yua opened the door for Aone and his mother, Aone quirking his lips up, and his mother still smiling teasingly at him. The blush didn't leave his cheeks as he closed the door behind them.

He took off his shoes and got some slippers for Aone, him taking them gently. He lightly grabbed Aones sleeve and led him around the hallway and into the livingroom, where his other mom Ichika sat scrolling through her phone while sketching designs.

Yua faked a cough, drawing his moms attention towards him and the giant polar bear behind him. She also gained a teasing smile and quirked up her brow.

"Oya oya? Is this the Aone you were screaming about?"

"M-mom! don't say it like that" Yua stammered, blushing brightly and clutching Aones sleeve tighter.

Aone bowed towards Ichika, and as he noticed Yua being flustered, clutched the hand that was previously holding his sleeve.

Aone doesn't normally interact this way with people he just met, but he couldn't help but feel a slight interest in Yua, he didn't know why, maybe it was because he wasn't scared of his appearance, he felt a slight rumble of butterflies in his stomach, and he wholeheartedly welcomed that feeling.

Aone had never felt this way before, never once in his whole life, but he liked it, he liked how Yua made him feel.

Ichika walked over to Aone and lightly slapped his arm "dont feel afraid to let loose in here"

"m-mom! that sounds dirty!"

Ichika smiled at him then walked over to the kitchen to help set the table.

Yua looked up at Aone as he held his hand, the warmness of it making him feel butterflies in his stomach, along with a blush staying on his cheeks.

"Lets go help out those weirdos" Yua said with a smile, then dragged Aone towards the dinning table

It was a nice evening but, things sadly had to end, Yuas parents had gotten to know Aone better, him surprisingly talking. Yua hasn't known Aone for a long time, but the short time he has, he notices how quiet he is, so it always makes him giddy when he speaks to him.

He walked Aone outside, leaning on the doorframe while awkwardly looking at the taller male. Aone was staring right back at him, his strong gaze made Yua nervous, he didnt know why, he just felt that way.

"i , uhm- i had a really fun time with you today Aone-Kun, i hope we get to do it again sometime" he fumbled a little with his sleeves as he looked down at his feet.

Aone didnt say anything, which slightly made Yua nervous, 'did he not have fun? Was i annoying? It was me dragging him around wasnt it?!' he screamed at himself internally.

He kept screaming at himself until he felt a big warm hand land on his head, he looked up rapidly only to see Aone patting his head once more, the corners of his lips being upwards like they had been all day, his gaze also had softened.

Yua smiled up at him, in Aones eyes his grin had a heart shape, and he had to admit, was the cutest smile he had seen. Yua kept smiling and reached his hand into his pocket, pulling out a cherry flavored lollipop, he danged it infront of Aones face.


This time Aone did in fact let an airy chuckle out remembering the way they met, softly taking the lollipop from Yua. He patted his head one last time, he then turned around and walked to the gate. He was softly closing it when he heard the little pitter patter of feet, he looked up from closing the cage.

Yua reached Aone and quickly jumped up to reach his height, he then planted a soft kiss onto his cheek. His lips smelled like watermelon, probably the lollipop he had opened right after giving Aone his lollipop.

Aone froze, his cheeks gaining a slight red hue, his normally half lidded eyes widening as he lifted a hand up to where Yua had kissed him.

Yua smiled, glad that he gained the courage to do that, he stared straight into Aones eyes, "next time, lets hope its a date"

Yua kept his smile as he ruffled Aones hair for once and turned sound, leaving a dumbfounded and blushing Aone at his gate.

but as Yua turned around his calm and flirty demeanor disintegrated, he was planning on that the whole time they were eating dinner, and had finally gained the courage to do so, so he shot his shot.

he just hoped Aone wouldn't push him away

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