✿ don't wanna cry

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It was already the end of the match, sadly, Date Tech had lost against Karasuno. The team looked sad on court while Karasuno and the crowd cheered. Yua sighed and pouted, lowering the cones that Date Tech's cheer squad had given him.

The teams bowed and thanked each other for the match and left the court, so Yua left the stands and jogged around the halls, keeping an eye out for either one of the teams.

He first spotted Karasuno and managed to give a slight smile, he wished them a brief good luck for their next match before jogging away. Then he spotted the backs of Date Tech. Yua pushed his legs harder against the floor.

Aone and Fukutachi were at the back of the team, both were walking slowly and looking down at the floor, their faces filled with disappointment. Yua reached them and lightly pushed himself into the middle of them, a sad smile on his face as he intertwined his fingers with Aone's, and wrapped an arm against Fukutachis waist.

Yua didn't say anything, he stayed silent while trying to provide them with some sort of comfort. Aone grasped Yua's fingers tightly while Fukutachi rested his arm at the top of Yuas head, gently running through his hair.

Date Tech plus Yua reached their bus and the rest of the team headed inside, Yua unwrapped his arm from Fukutachis waist and side hugged him since Aone wouldn't let his hand go, Yua wasn't about to argue though.

Fukutachi smiled, not his real smile, but smiled nonetheless, ruffling Yuas head of hair gently before beginning to climb into the bus.Yua looked up at Aone, the latter still looking down at the floor disappointed.

Yua raised his other hand and lifted Aone's chin gently. Gazing into his dark eyes with a sad smile, he then kissed his cheek and brought him in for a hug, he clutched the back of his head and put it in the crook of his shoulder, gently kissing the only spot he could reach, Aones temple.

Aone sighed and suddenly Yua felt slight wetness in his shoulder. His eyes widened and he stepped back slightly, Aone's teary face now in view. Aone honestly didn't seem like the type of person who cried, but here he was right in front of Yua with small tears gliding down his cheeks.

Yua shook his head while looking at his tears, cupping his face gently and using the pads of his thumbs to wipe them away.

"baby no" he whispered while gazing into Aone's teary eyes.

Aone hiccuped slightly and the sight broke Yua's heart more, "hey hey, this just means you have to improve okay? then you'll be the strongest! so don't worry my polar bear, it will be fine"

At this point Yua didn't know what was spewing out of his mouth, he just wanted his polar bear to be happy.

Aone hiccuped again, his mouth forming into a frown before he clutched Yuas waist and lifted him up to hug him better. Yua wrapped his arms around his neck and legs around his waist lightly.

They stayed in that position for a while, Yua gently running his hands through Aone's short hair, trying to help him calm down.

Finally Aone sighed and nodded, Yua taking that as a symbol to unwrap his arms and legs from his waist and neck.

Aone gently let him down, Yua wiping away the last of his tears.

They both heard a quiet knocking sound and looked up at the bus where Fukutachi was mouthing a, "we have to go"

Yua frowned slightly, but sighed and let the frown go.

He felt a hand gently patting his head and looked up at Aone, his face was back to its blank wall, but Yua could see the very small smile he had.

Aone slightly bent down into Yuas ear, "ill see you soon cub" he whispered, a small kiss being pressed against Yuas forehead before Aone climbed into his bus.

Yua heard a knocking again and looked up to see Fukutachi waving goodbye, so he smiled and waved, Date Tech's bus pulling away.

Yua smiled and started walking towards the bus station.

He pulled a watermelon flavored lollipop out of is pocket and kept walking, shoving the 2 spare lollipops he had in his pocket inside of his bag with a sigh.





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