✿ date or not?

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It had been 3 says since Yua had texted Aone about wanting to hang out. Suprisingly, Aone agreed to his request. Yua had been overjoyed, wanting to immediately hang out with Aone,, but sadly couldn't.

Aone had to study for his tests and had volleyball practice for the upcoming InterHigh, and Yua had to complete several assignments, but now they were both free and open to hanging out.

Yua grinned like a madman as he read the text Aone had sent hours before.

[ Polar Bear ] : I'm free at 1PM

Yua already had the whole day planned out, he would take Aone ice skating since he reminded him of a polar bear, he didn't know if he should consider this a date, he probably shouldn't but he couldn't help it. Aone intrigued him so much, he wanted to get to know him better.

He snapped out of his daydream and leaned over the stairway, looking at his mom sitting on the couch while painting.

"mom, can you help me pick something to wear? I have a hangout with Aone in a few hours" he said, looking at the back of his mom's head with his signature and irresistible puppy eyes.

June turned around and lifted a perfectly shaped eyebrow, smiling smugly. "hangout?" she said, a teasing undertone in her voice.

Yua blushed slightly and hid his face behind his bangs, "i-its not a date!" he stuttered out, embarrassed.

His mother giggled and put aside her paintbrush, standing up and walking up the stairs and following Yua into his room. He fell onto his blankets and sighed.

He wanted to look good for Aone, he always kept good care of himself and his public image, but he couldn't help but want to dress up a little because of Aone.

June smiled as she recognized her son's expression, after all, she once had the same look before and still does when she glances at Ichika.

She hummed as she scrolled through his closet, in the end she pulled out denim overalls, a white shirt with black stripes and yellow high top converse, she also dragged some circular glasses.

She put them in the bed and patted Yuas head, "go shower or you'll be late for your date~" she teased, a giddy smile against her lips.

Yua made a random noise out of embarrasment and scurried into his bathroom. He took a shower and made sure to wash his hair with his shampoo that smelled like cherries. He grabbed a towel on his way out and combed his hair, putting conditioner on and getting rid of any tangles.

He then dried himself off and put on his outfit, as he gazed at the mirror he felt confident going out like this, he even wondered if Aone would say anything about his outfit.

[ Yuas Outfit ]

June came back into the room and dragged her son into his desk, she grabbed the comb from his hand and brushed through his cute orange hair, she then organized it into his signature ponytail and handed him a mirror

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June came back into the room and dragged her son into his desk, she grabbed the comb from his hand and brushed through his cute orange hair, she then organized it into his signature ponytail and handed him a mirror.

She then pulled out a makeup pallet, grabbing a makeup brush and started applying some soft pink to the edges of his eyes and his nose. Makeup wasn't something new to Yua, he modeled for his mother and usually had makeup on, plus he liked how he looked with makeup. It was one of his favorite things to do, create random looks, and he sometimes posted them into his social media.

June finally finished applying his makeup, audibly cooing at her son and at how cute he looked. She even snapped a picture of him and sent it to Ichika.

Yua blushed and shyly hugged his mother, thanking her for helping him out, he then put a little bit of lip stick on, just to make his pink lips appear softer when he heard the door bell ring.

He jumped and dropped the lipstick bottle, picking it up hastily and also picking up his bag, he pressed a kiss to his squealing mother's cheek before hurrying downstairs.

He opened the door and there was Aone, his soft but calculating eyes stared down at him. Yua blinked at him, briefly looking him up and down. Aone wore a black fitting button up with the top button open, paired with some slightly ripped jeans and white shoes. His hair was a little combed, but still in it's short messy style, but Yua found it cute and wanted to run his hands through it.

[ Aones Outfit ]

The tips of Aone's lips quirked up as he gazed down and Yua and patted his head softly, and he nodded his head to the side, grabbing Yuas upper arm and very gently pulling him forward to go to the ice skating rink

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The tips of Aone's lips quirked up as he gazed down and Yua and patted his head softly, and he nodded his head to the side, grabbing Yuas upper arm and very gently pulling him forward to go to the ice skating rink.

He grinned giddily and grabbed Aone's hand without thinking about it, pulling him along the small pathway leading to his house.

The ice skating rink wasn't far away from Yuas house, it was easily in walking distance so they walked there, Yua gently pulling on Aone's arm the whole time. There was a calming silence surrounding them. Neither needed to say anything, the day was beginning amazing.

[ links for the outfits: ]

Aones outfit : https://pin.it/5QqZN9U

Yuas outfit : https://pin.it/7dPKFPR

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