✿ ichika kaito

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Yua grinned from ear to ear as he ran downstairs, taking the stairs two at a time with his dogs quick on his tail. He emerged from the small hallway his stairs were on and ran into the living room, quickly surrounding his second mother in a warm hug.

Ichika Kaito grinned from ear to ear as her son embraced her, wrapping her arms around his lean form as she chuckled. Yua separated from her with his grin still present, holding her by her shoulders at arm's length, Ichika unwrapped one of her arms and ruffled his slightly long hair.

"missed me kiddo?" she chuckled out, dodging the hand Yua was swatting because of his now messed up hair. She always loved running her hands through it, as it was very smooth since Yua spent a lot of time with his hair, either brushing it or buying random things that work for his hair.

Ichika Kaito was a fashion designer that traveled around the world, collaborating with other companies while also finding inspiration for her own collections. She had been gone for approximately 6 months now, touring Spain and Italy. She was called in to help some companies and then go to Musutafu and help with another company, something to do with the name 'Bakugou', Yua never really cared or bothered to remember names.

Yua and June sometimes worked as runway models for Ichika's collections.

That's actually how June and Ichika met, June was a runway model and Ichika just so happened to be at a show she was modeling in. Ichika couldn't help herself after the show had ended and offered for June to work for her and model her work. And their beautiful love story bloomed from that.

When Yua was a kid, June would read him books to help him sleep, but once decided to tell him that story, from that point on, his mother's love story became Yua's favorite bedtime story.

Yua and Ichika finally separated, both heading into the kitchen, where June was seated, randomly scrolling through her phone, Ichika smiled and kissed her cheek and both grinned.

Yua hopped onto the counter once more, stealing a chocolate from a small bowl, slowly eating it while his mother's talked.

"now that I think about it honey, have you heard about the boy Yua's crushing on?" June said in between giggles.

Yua started choking on his chocolate and swiveled around to face her, his cheeks a rosy pink color. "m-MOM!"

Ichika smiled teasingly and lifted an eyebrow, "little YuYu's got a crush?"

"I d-do not have a crush! I just met Aone today!" shrieked Yua, the chocolate he choked on now on his hand.

"Aone? Is that his name dear?"

"Yua said his name was Aone Takanobu, you should have seen how giddy he was while speaking of him! His cheeks were all red and he had the look on his face!!"

"The look?!" Ichika shrieked, swiveling around to Yua and held his shoulders shaking him back and forth. "when can we meet him?!"

"m-MOm! We only just met today, he's really quiet and I don't want the both of you to scare him away."

Yua fiddled with his hair tie as he spoke, not looking at his mother in the eye. Ichika stopped shaking him and showed a gentle smile, "already want to get to know him huh?"

Yua nodded and smiled, "I'll try getting to know him better and maybe next week you'll meet him, I don't promise him being very vocal though..."

Ichika and June nodded, already exited to meet Yua's new 'friend'.

The teasing ended and June stood up, grabbing 3 plates, and beginning to serve the food while Ichika and Yua set the table.

The 3 then ate while having a slow conversation, although Yua's mind was very occupied with a certain someone.

They finished dinner and Yua washed the dishes, hurrying up to his room and grabbed his phone, beginning to type.


[Hot stripper] > want to hang out tomorrow?

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