✿ after the interhigh

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It had been weeks since Aone and Yuas hangout, and both couldn't get their mind off of each other.

Aone had been having a hard time focusing on practicing for the InterHigh, Yua kept circling his thoughts. His cute little eyes and heart shaped smile brought a soft blush onto Aone's cheeks.

At this point, his teammates had noticed Aone spacing out and beginning to blush. They were all curious about who was the person making Aone act like this.

One day as they were practicing, Fukatuchi in fact had noticed. Everyday he pestered Aone to tell him who it was, but Aone never said a word.

As they walked to the bus stop Fukutaichi glanced at Aone, he had his hands behind his head and lazily walked beside the male. Aone was walking with a small smile on his face and a very slight blush on his cheeks.

"Aoneeee, you never told me who the new special someone was~" he whined


"Aoooneeee, are you ignoring me?"


Fukutaichi pouted and kept whining, he crossed his arms across his chest and looked down at the floor. By this point they were sitting on the bus stop.

They watched the bus roll in and walked in, today Fukutaichi was going to study with Aone since he sucked at math and Aone was somehow good at it.

They sat in the bus seats in silence Aone seemed to radiate a happy aura.

As they stopped at the next bus stop, Aone snapped his head to look at the door, a certain swimmer coming in. He glanced over at Aone and Fukutachi, his eyebrows raising in interest.

He stood in front of Aone and pulled out 3 lollipops from his pocket, extending one to both of them, although he lightly jiggled Aone's in front of him.

Fukutachi looked up at the smaller male, slowly taking the lollipop with a confused expression.

Yua extended his hand, his lollipop now on his mouth, "the names Kaito Yua and you must be Fukutachi right?"

Fukutachi tilted his head, "how do you know my name?" he leaned backwards, slightly bumping shoulders with Aone, who was already holding Yuas sleeve.

"Aones talked a whole bunch about 'ya" Yua smiled, intertwining his pinkie with Aone's.

Fukutachi deadpanned for a few seconds before jumping up, "are you the one who has him all blushy at practice?!" he shook Yuas shoulder.

"If that wasn't me i would get worried" he giggled, noticing how Aone's pinky wrapped tighter around his when they went over a bump. So he took his other hand and started petting Aone's hair, slightly pushing his head to rest on his stomach.

"Are you guys dating?" asked Fukutachi, glancing at Aone leaning his head on Yua's stomach.

Yua blushed and shook his head, continuing to run his hand through Aones hair, "we're going on a date after InterHighs though"

And it was true, the next day from their ice skating hangout Aone appeared at Yuas doorstep with a bouquet of lavender flowers. Yua smiled as he remembered the bouquet that was not sitting on his nightstand.

Fukutachi grinned and slapped Aone's back, whooping about how his best friend finally grew a pair.

Yua grinned as he swirled his tongue around the lollipop, gazing at the scene with soft eyes.

[ how Aone asked Yua out / flashback ]

Yua was bored, the whole day was boring.

Aone wouldnt answer his text messages and his mom's were out doing whatever.

Fish and Puma were laying on the bed next to him, Puma was laying beside his chest, her face on his collarbone.

As Yua looked down at her he could see some doggy drool, he cringed and lifted his shirt to cover up his skin from it.

Fish was at his feet, a chew toy in his half open mouth as he snored.

Yua took pictures of them, posting them in his Instagram.

He was about to scroll through when he heard the doorbell

He lifted an eyebrow, gently pushing Puma away and putting her face on his pillow and pulling a blanket ontop of Fish, he padded out of his room.

He put his hair into a messy bun, strands framing his face

He swung open the door, his eyebrows molding into a shocked expression

"A-aone, what brings you here" he laughed, slightly leaning on the doorframe.

Aone was wearing his school uniform, a gray sweater pulled around his waist, and his hands hidden behind his back.

He moved his hand from behind him and presented the flowers at Yua, smiling softly

"..go on a date with me cub" he whispered

Yuas breath hitched at the new nickname, gently taking the flowers and sniffing them.

"i-ill go with you" he stuttered, looking up at Aone, his eyes slightly glowing.

Aone glanced down at the pretty sight, blushing and smiling before bending down...
and kissing Yuas cheek.

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