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Well I have almost, 3 K READS AHHHH!! And I almost HAVE 200 VOTES I AM DYING!!!! ILYSM!!!

Here is the chapter!

*1 week later*
We are now in Dallas, Texas!

Oh ya! My ex! He is crazy, we called the police and they got him. We pressed charges and he will be in jail for along time.

It was now at least 1:00 so I went and knocked on the boys door. Nash opened the door up.
"Guys can we do something because I am bored AF!" I told them
"Ya lets do it!" They all responded
"Aye! What's up!" Sydney said.
"We are gonna do something call all of the other girls!" I told her. She stopped ran into the hall way.
"AYE!!! YOU GUYS GET YO ASSES IN HERE!" She yelled down the hall. Arianna walk in with Bell. Then Diana walked in with Natallee. And Lastly Sam...she looked really tired.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Taylor said smirking.
"Well ok then!" I said
"TAYLOR GO!" Nash yelled
"Alright...Mattchu! Truth or dare?" Taylor asked Matt, with an adorable nickname.
"Umm truth" Matt said.
" you have a crush on someone in this room?" Taylor asked. Matt blushed and said
"Sydney? Truth or dare?" Matt said
"Hey that's on fair!" Taylor yelled.
"Yes it is now go Matt!" I yelled
"Truth" Sydney said
"Okay is it true that you would date Brent if he asked you out." Matt asked
"Umm" she blushed. "Yeah." She said soft.
"Ooooooooo" everyone 'ooooed'

After awhile

"Matt. Truth or dare?" Cameron asked.
"Dare!" He exclaimed.
"I dare you to kiss Sydney!" He said. WHAT!! WHY SYDNEY!!! WHY NOT ME!!!
"Umm a dare is a dare." Matt said. He gulped and kissed Sydney. He continued to kiss her. It started to get heated. Someone coughed.

I felt a hot steaming tear roll down my face. I looked down at the floor. I
Looked up only to see Brent doing the same thing. I stood up grabbed Brent and we both ran down the hallway. I felt the strength in my knees leave and I fell. Brent picked me up and brought me to the elevator.

"Brent." I cried
"I can't believe this" I started balling.
"They both kissed each other and liked it and then they continued and knew we were in the room."
"Yeah, I know" Brent cried with me.
"Hey, hey Brent it will be okay. Maybe they weren't the ones for us." I said slowly. Brent looked up
"What do you mean?" He asked wiping his tears.
"I Don't Know" I said slow. I hugged Brent and the elevator dinged.
"Can we get some Taco Bell, I don't want to go back." I asked Brent.
"Ya lets go. I have some money on me." Brent said.

I wiped my tears

The tears that were

Caused by my Bestfriend I ever had...

I thought he changed me for the good.

But now he had destroyed my heart 💔

And my old DRUNK self will be back as soon as I get my hand on alcohol on my hands.

Thanks Matt!

I thought you loved me!

This chapter was soo depressing to write. I am crying! I am kinda sad right now because my grandma and uncle are in the ICU in the hospital. I made a sad chapter for this reason. 😭

I am sorry

But I love you ♥️


Sydney 😐😐😐😐

What love is // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now