Chapter 5

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~Bella's POV~
After getting comfortable I took out my laptop and decided to watch a movie. I looked over at Joe who was taking to Jon.  Logging into Netflix I looked for a movie to watch. 

I must of falling asleep because after a little bit I was being woke up by Jon poking my nose with his finger and him and Joe were laughing. They thought I was still sleeping but I surprised then by slapping them both in the back of the heads. Haha I got the last word well slap. I opened my eyes grinning at them. Don't mess with my sleep boys they will have to learn.

I stood up and stretched a little
before sitting back down. Going through my bag I pulled out my snacks and started to eat them. I rested my head on Joe's shoulder as he held my hand.

I felt like someone looking at me. I looked up at Joe then Jon. They both had puppy dogs eyes looking at me then my chips I was eating. I laughed and just continued to eat then I heard Joe, "babygirl" oh Lord I was done I just gave up let them have the snacks well all but two my faves my Cheetos and chocolate. "Thank you" they said together. I just said "ya ya whatever piggies." I went back to my laptop while listening to them eat my snacks.

I felt Joe give my hand a squeeze but ignore it. I pretend to be more interested in my computer than Joe. I knew it was bothering him because he started poking me on the cheek.

"I think she's ignoring you Joe." That voice was my brother while I heard Becky giggle. Now Jon started poking my other cheek. Becky said "I wouldn't do that guys." They just shrugged and continued. Wrong move guys they thought I was gonna smack them in the back of their heads so when they saw me about to move hands, they put their hands up to protect their heads. But I smacked their stomaches. They both groaned. We all laughed. They pouted Jon said "that's not very nice we just ate." I said "awwww sorry not sorry maybe then don't poke me and annoy me sweatie." And I just patted their cheeks and smiled innocently. "Becky warned you guys." Colby said. Joe and Jon glared at him while we will laughed.

I closed my laptop and put it back in my carry on. We were getting close to landing so I just looked out the window. I felt someone rest their chin on my shoulder and I knew it was Joe. I smiled as he kissed me on the cheek.

I laid my head on his head just relaxing. Then we heard that we had landed. We waited for others to move so we could get our things from the overhead compartments. We walked off the plane there were fans waiting to get pictures and autographs. They were screaming. After taking some pictures and signing some autographs we got our bags. Becky and Colby went to get our rental. Then said for us to meet them in front.

As Joe and I walked with Jon to the front of the airport I could hear Eva's annoying voice coming from behind us.  I wanted to turn around and say something to her but both Jon and Joe kept a firm grip on my arms.

I nodded at the boys while I held my head high. As much as I wanted to turn around and beat her ass and yell I knew I couldn't and shouldn't. I also knew I had more respect. I was not going to react to her childish bullshit. That would make things worse cause that's what she wanted and I am more of a women then her. She's the one looking like a fool and bitch making a seen. And also if the authority heard and saw this she'd be in trouble and that made me smile. Maybe they put me in a match against her. I smiled bigger. So I'll let her be. I'll be the adult. We walked out and saw my brother and Becky. Joe and Jon put the bags in the trunk and we left.

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