Chapter 16

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~Colby's Pov~
I sat in the car with Becky and Jon. We were currently driving to Iowa to surprise my family. Joe, Bella and Jon are the only ones who knew about the baby so Becky and I are hoping they will help us tell the rest of the family. I was really sleepy since it's got here in the middle of the night but I got really excited when we finally pulled up to my parents ranch. Parking the car everyone got out and grabbed their luggage. I stretched and lead everyone to my sister's house knocked on the door.

      I heard footsteps behind the door then lock and door opened. Asador opened there was Joe half asleep. We both said hey and you open the door wider for us to get in. I had a room at Bella's house like she had a room at mine. Jon was going to take the guest room. Joe mumbled something I didn't understand but turned around and went back to Bella's bedroom. I said we would talk in the morning then we all walked off to different bedrooms.

~Bella's Pov~
The next morning I woke up to the sound of extra voices in my house. I got out of bed and threw on my robe and went to see who was in my house. The minute I stepped foot into the living room I was tackled on to the couch by my brother.

  "Colby stop get off me dumbass. You are such a jerk." I said pushing them off me or trying to at least. All the sudden my hear what sounds like galloping horses but I knew what it was. The dogs all  3 of them. I was laughing trying to get them off me. Begging Joe to help me but he just laughed with the others. All the sudden the dogs jump on us I don't know if they were trying to help me or help Colby. Everyone else was laughing their asses off.

I finally got off the dogs off me and stood up. I looked at everyone before I stormed off to my room. I could hear Colby and Joe calling my name. Ignoring them I took my robe off and climbed back into bed. I heard the door open and saw Lady standing by the door. I patted the bed as she jumped up and cuddled with me. She was always the calmest of three.

I was starting to fall asleep rubbing ladies back when I felt more movement on the bed. I turned my head to look behind me, there was Buddy and Gotti. I smiled at them. And laid on my back so I can pet them. I felt myself slowly close my eyes and and before long I was asleep.

~Joe's pov~
I shook my head and smacked Colby upside the head. "The first thing you decided to do this morning is piss your sister off." Before he could any anything i went to check on Bella. I saw that she was asleep with the dogs. I tried to climb into bed with her but none of the dogs would move.

  I guess they got tired of me trying to fit in the bed and I felt sorry for me.they moved to let me fit in."thanks guys" I whispered and lay down next to Bella the best I could.

   I heard the door open but I kept my eyes closed. I heard a click and a little giggle I knew it was Becky then I heard the door shut quietly. That's the last thing I remember as I fell asleep holding Bella the best I could with the dogs on the bed.

~Bella's Pov~

2 hours later
I woke up to the sound of something hitting the floor. I opened my eyes and sat up. I saw Joe was asleep on the floor and I realized he must have rolled off the bed. I shook my head and just left him there.

Later on I was being woken up by Buddy licking me. I stretched and looked around for the other two and Joe. They weren't in the room. So I got up went in the bathroom went pee, brushed my teeth and brushed my hair and put it up in a ponytail out of the way. I opened the door to walk out but Buddy went out first racing down the stairs I followed. He ran to the door so I let him go outside. I closed the door and looked around the house for everyone. I shrugged it off I'll find them in a little bit. Right now I'm hungry. I heard my stomach growl so I went to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal.

After I finished eating I put my boots on and went to look for everyone. I went to the main house and saw that it was empty so that meant they were all at Colby's house. I walked down the path and walked up to Colby's house.

I opened the door and I heard loud voices and laughing. I even heard the dogs. I wonder what was going on. I followed the voices and laughter into the kitchen where I saw everybody.

Colby and the guys stood in the kitchen making food and drinking beers. Becky was relaxing on the couch drinking a glass of lemonade. Since no one noticed me I decided to go back to my house and chill out by myself.

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