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This story contains mature language and violence/abuse. Other warnings may appear later in the story.


I heard a loud thud coming from downstairs. I knew exactly what and WHO it was.

I slowly crepted out of my bedroom. Being as concious as possible. Another loud noise could be heard, but this time it was glass.

I creeped around the corner to the living room to see my drunk dad. Honestly, I don't like that word.

I sighed heavily, he must have heard it. He spun around quickly and smirked.

"Wahhh, is the little brat being brave today?" He snickered.

I trembled as he crept closer and closer towards me. He had the broken glass bottle in his hand. His hand was shaking because of the adrenalin. I started backing away.

"Don't walk away from me bitch!" He shouted smashing the bottle over my head.

I fell you the ground with an aching head. I suddenly heard a small voice from behind me.

It was my mum.

"Honey, what are you doing?" She sweetly asked him  but that changed as she saw me, "oh, it's the brat. You may continue."

My mum walked towards the kitchen leaving me to be belittled by my certificated father.

This wasn't out of the usual. Most nights the father figure would come home drunk from work and abuse me. Abuse me till the point where I could barely walk. And my mum... She's the same. I would go to school the next day as if nothing happened.

Bruises, cuts and all would be cover. Making me look perfectly fine to the blind eye. But inside, only few people would know, I'm crumbling.

Mark continued to beat me vigorously with his belt. He had became sobber after hitting me with the bottle. So he was now doing this from choice.

I had red legs, a tear stained face and puffy eyes, my hands were shaking and had open wounds spread from head to toe. The female of the household was watching this so called 'entertainment' in her books, pleased.

"You lowlife brat. You're nothing but a piece of trash. You were just a mistake," he continuously yelled.

With every slash I winced in pain, making his smirk larger than before. With one final hit, I broke. I screamed at the top of my lungs in pain.

"Shut your dirty mouth you bitch!" He grabbed my hair and made me face him, "you now have a punishment for that."

He through my head back to the ground and walked away. He came back a minute later with a lit cigarette bud and rope. He tied my hands together behind my back and blew the bud out.

He slowly applied the pressure to my upper right arm with the bud. Making wince once again. He then pushed the bud deeply into my arm. The male did that over and over along my arm.

"Honey, leave her now. She still has to not look suspicious tomorrow for school," the female interrupted.

"Consider yourself lucky," Mark slapped me once more and walked away after untying me, "let's go Lucy."

I limped my way to my bedroom and carefully placed myself on my bed. I almost instantly feel asleep.

~the next day~

I woke up early with a pounding head. My whole body was screaming in pain.

I walked slowly to the first aid kit and applied treatment to my wounds. I then got dressed and grabbed my bag to leave.


I painfully walked to school, which wasn't too far away to my luck

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I painfully walked to school, which wasn't too far away to my luck. As I walked outside the front gate of my house, my neighbour was doing the same.

"Good morning, Y/N!" He said with a over dramtic wave.

"Morning Chan," I said calmly.

He walked over to my side and we started walking to school. He stuck with my pace. Which was very slow.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a concern tone.

I lifted my head towards his gaze and smiled softly.

"Chan I'm fine but thanks," I said and started walking again.

"Hey! Wait up!"

~at school~

At school, it's like a typical drama. There are the nerds, popular people who think they're better than everyone, the musicians and the antisocial ones. The popular people bully the nerds and antisocial ones just for fun. Blah blah blah.

I'm in the antisocial category.

Not surprising.

Hope you enjoyed!!

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