Are You Okay?

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A/n; sorry for dying I was screaming on twitter 💕💕

Steven curls impossibly closer into himself, wheezing and coughing, struggling to breath. It not like these are uncommon for Steven, but they never get easier. He hears heavy footsteps coming back up the stairs. Greg's back. He notice a few steps missing, like hes hopping up the stairs to get to Steven. He would smile if he had any control over his body right now. Its nice to know how much he cares for Steven.

Greg crouches down infront of him."Hey, Schtu-ball, you still have some  benzodiazepines. I got you some water too. Here." Steven huffs in discomfort, but shakily holds his hand out for the pills.

Once he feels them be placed into his hand, he raises his hand to his face and swallows them, without the water, with a quiet cough and exhale. It'll take awhile for them to kick in. That's fine. He shifts.

He can feel his heartbeat in every part of his body. That's fine.

He face is freezing, and everything else is numb. That's fine.

He can't move. Or speak. Or see, because everything blurry.



Its all fine.
He's all fine.

He blinks.






.....No it's not.

A/n; sorry for the short chapter!

I just love leaving you guys on cliffhangers. Its hilarious.

Anyways stay safe love yas. 💕💕

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