Chapter 4: Heat Of The Moment~

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After what happened first period, I was really excited to see Mr. Iero...Especially since I know he's Gay. But I'm not gonna tell anyone, cause that fine piece of ass will be mine, and I don't care about the whole Teacher/Student thing, it would just make things hotter.

When I walked into the room, I saw that I was the only other person in there, besides Mr. Iero. He looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Gerard." I smiled and waved, and made my way over to my desk, before sitting down. I decided that now that I know his secret, I think it would be a good idea to turn my sassiness up a notch. Being a little sexy never hurt anyone now, has it?

"So how's your day going so far, Gerard?" He asked, looking over at me. I smiled and said "It's going good actually, how about you? How was your first day?"

He smiled and said "It's been awesome, everyone's been nice to me...I was actually really scared to come here today."

I smiled bigger and said "Well that's good." I wanted to talk more, but other kids came in and I sighed. This wasn't a big class, so it wouldn't be hard to flirt with him. I watched a he got up from his desk, walked over to the door, and closed it. Then he walked to the front of the room and stood at a podium.

"Okay guys, I see some people I've had in class earlier today but for those who don't know me, I'm Mr. Iero, I'm taking the place of your previous teacher, Miss Christman. I know that I'm new here and I have a lot to learn here, but I think I can learn faster, with your help. I'm glad this class is small, but if I get your name wrong, I apologize ahead of time."

He walked over to his desk, picked up the roster, and walked back over to the podium. "Okay now let's get the roll taken care of, and then we'll move onto an activity I think you guys will enjoy." After calling a few peoples names, he said "Gerard?" I smirked and raised my hand. "Here." He smiled and someone said "Faggot."

The other kids around me laughed or snickered, and I just rolled my eyes. Mr. Iero said "Hey, none of that." The guy who called me a faggot said "What? It's true. I mean look at him, he's a fucking freak!" "Hey, I said enough!" he snapped, making the room go silent. His eyes were locked on the kid and he said "Now I don't want any of that crap happening in this classroom, so you either learn to accept people for who they are, or just shut up and mind your own business."

I smiled big and he continued. "One thing I hate about people is that they're so quick to judge. I have Gerard for first period, and he's actually a nice young man. I asked him why he chose to wear what he wears, and he told me it makes him feel confident. So I have no problem with him, because he's not afraid to be himself. And so what if he's Gay? He's just as human as everyone else in this world, so why does it matter so much? You wanna know what I think about Homophobia? I think Homophobia is Gay. So if you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say it, cause you're just wasting your breath."

I love him...That's the nicest thing anyone has done for me...Maybe I don't need to act all sexy towards him..He's so nice. I couldn't stop smiling and he looked up at me. He smiled and said "Now...If there are no more interruptions, we can move onto our lesson."


After the final bell rang, everyone gathered their stuff, and walked out. I picked up m stuff and headed to the door, when Mr. Iero stood up and walked over to me. "Gerard, can I speak to you for a minute?" I looked back at him and nodded. I closed the door and asked "What's up?" He sighed and said "I'm so sorry for what happened back there...I just hate people like that." I smiled and said "It's okay, really...That was really sweet of you to do that..Thank you."

He smiled back and said "Anytime..I can tell you're a good person, I just don't like people being treated like that." I smiled and nodded. Silence fell between us. I didn't know what to do, so I just sighed and said "Well, I think I should go..My brother's probably waiting for me. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I turned to walk away, when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned to look back at him, but was cut short when I was pushed up against the wall.

"M-Mr. Iero...What are you-" I was cut off again by his lips on mine. I had my eyes opened in shock, and wasn't sure what to do. A nagging voice in my head told me this was wrong, but I ignored it, and found myself kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt his hands slide down to my hips. He forced me closer to him, and I moaned into his lips. Soon he pulled his lips away and moved them down to my neck. I bit my bottom lip to keep a moan back as he kissed a certain spot on my neck. I've kissed guys before, but it was never like this...This was the best kiss I've ever had.

"M-Mr. Iero.." I stuttered, wanting more of him. He brought his lips to my ear and whispered "Call me Frank." Next thing I know he hooked his hands under my thighs, and he lifted me up off the ground. I looped my legs around his waist and he sat me on top of his desk. The kiss really started heating up, and I just wanted more. He brought his lips back to mine and I felt him slip his hand up under my dress. I smiled into his lips, then he pulled away.

I looked at him with lust filled eyes and asked "Was I bad, Mr. Iero?.." I slowly hiked the bottom of my dress up a little and asked "Do I need to be punished? Hmm?" But he didn't respond. He just stared at me and I saw the color drain from his face. He swallowed and said "Gerard...You need to go home." I looked at him confused and asked "What?" He started pacing back and forth, rubbing his face with both of his hands. "Frank, what's wrong?" He said "I shouldn't...I shouldn't have done that...You need to go, Gerard. Go home and forget this ever happened."

I felt a surge of anger go through me and I asked "Are you kidding me?" He sighed and said "I don't know what came over me...I shouldn't have done that.." I felt my blood boil and I jumped off the desk. I pulled my dress back down and said "Fine, if you wanna be that way, then fuck you. See you tomorrow." And before he could say anything else, I stormed out of the room, fighting back tears as I went to find Mikey.

Students Are Off Limits, Mr. Iero (Frerard TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now