oi. protects their own

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THE NORTH WAS COLDER THEN USUAL. The cold briefs of wind running through Aly's loose hair. She wrapped her cloak tighter to her body, trying to warm herself up, but to no help. She continued to tremble, her nose turning more red by each second that passes.

They had gotten word that Robert Baratheon overpowered Prince Rhaegar, and had won the rebellion and that made Aly's heart cold. Ever since the mad King burned her father and brother, she had felt that she lost a part of herself.

But she still had Ned, Benjen and Lyanna, wherever she is hidden. They had also gotten word that Robert were greatly injured, and left Ned the position of leaving to Kings Landing, to make the Mad King surrender.

But Alys had only felt shock and dread wash open her when she had heard that Princess Elia and along with her children had been brutally murdered. She felt sorry for them, she really did. It was not the princess's fault for her husbands actions.

She had met Princess Elia once, at Harrenhal. She was kind, and very beautiful. Alys could understand why the people called her their beloved Queen.      Oh, how a Queen she would've made.

And it seemed like another letter came that Ned found out where Rhaegar took Lyanna. He was to bring her back, and Alys could not help but feel like the realm would finally have two great ruling King and Queen who not only cares for each other but to the people.

She knew that Lyanna had to wed Robert when she returned, not exactly now, and no one would blame her. Being taken and raped by Prince Rhaegar would make the perfect excuse.

"Alys?" Alys turned around and meet with her little brother. She felt herself smile softly at him. Benjen was someone she doted on, someone she could comfort but not only him, but herself when no one was noticing.

After their mother Lyarra died, Alys had taken the role as Lady Stark, even at such a young age. It would have been more preferable that Lyanna should be acting as Lady Stark, but she constantly refused complaining that she would never touch fabric and some needles. And that only left her.

And ever the dutiful and kind Lady she is, she agreed. She could remember their father constantly locking himself inside his chamber and working himself tired. And Alys had made a mental note to always bring him food while working, making sure their father had something to eat.

Brandon and Ned was much of the same as Lyanna, but while only Brandon and Lyanna were the wild ones, it was Ned, Alys and Benjen who was the quiet ones, something she preffered. She liked to be behind the spotlight, not to be seen, whereas Lyanna as wild as Brandon, maybe even more would always want to be in the spotlight, to be seen.

The Northern Lords would never dare admit it, but they always had more of a soft spot for Alys. She reminded them of their mothers, where they were always mindful of their duties. She also reminded the Lords and Lady's of the late Lyarra Stark. Rickard did notice this also, and himself would never allow himself to favor one daughter to the other. But even he, could admit that while Lyanna looked more like himself, Alys looked exactly like his wife, Lyarra. Alys looked so much like Lyarra that it pained him to look at her, that's why he always acted asleep when she would bring him his supper. Alys would always be him little girl.

Alys grabbed Benjen's hand tightly while crunching down to his level,"What is it Benjen?" She asked gently, stroking his hair.

Benjen sighed and looked up to meet with his sisters warm doe eyes,"I cannot sleep," Alys found herself nearly chuckling in sweetness before containing herself. "You must read me a story"

Alys smiled and nodded. She stood up and brushed her dress before grabbing his hand and walking him to his chambers. She tucked Benjen in and sat at the edge of the bed. "What story do you want me to tell?" She asked.

Benjen yawned before pushing himself more into his warm bed. "About the white walkers please"

Alys gave him a look,"Now why would I tell you that story. It will only get you nightmares" Benjen was about to protest but she put up a finger quickly silencing him.

Alys gave a fake cough before speaking, "There were once a wolf mother who loved all her pups. She protected them, loved them, and cared for them. But one day some bad men killed one of the little pups" Benjen made a face in shock. "The wolf mother had never felt so much fury before, so she ravished all the men that were near her and even dared come closer to her and the rest of her pups. She tore them to pieces and left them in the snow for all the other men to see what happens if you kill one of them. And direwolves have never been seen after that. Some say they fled beyond the wall."

Benjen furred his brows while giving a yawn,"Why did you tell me this story, Alys?" Benjen rubbed his eyes in sleepiness.

Alys looked out the window,"For it shows a clear message for those who dare harm our pack." She looked at Benjen with staring eyes. "We are direwolves, we protect our own. Never forget that."



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