iv. arriving

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THE JOURNEY WENT SURPRISINGLY FAST. AND ALYS FELD HERSELF GROW MORE AND MORE NERVOUS TO MEET ROBERT. She had only meet him once or twice, and needless to say, he was horrible. It was not the fact that he said the most ridiculously jokes on earth, but that he claimed to care even love Lyanna when he had hundreds of whores laying around with.

Something tells Alys that he won't be very welcoming to her. She remembered how excited he looked when Lyanna had finally given him permission to lead her to a dance, and Alys had to give Robert that at least. He tried. But failed. Alys hopes that he would do the same for her, even if he did not love her.

King's Landing was as marvelous as they said. Large, almost covered in gold, glistening in the sunlight. But that's where all the pretty sights end. Kings Landing was the definition of a shit city. The smell was disgusting, filled with sweat and a stinking smell. The small roads that made the way into the Red Keep, was so small people had to squeeze and push themselves to get away.     That would have to change.

The people stopped at stared at the carriage pulling the future Queen. It was a weird sight for them, seeing as none of the Targaryens was allowed to be escorted without proper arms.

Alys let out a shaky breath and tugged the the end of her dress in nervousness. I don't want to do this. But I have to, I can't be selfish. As they pulled in Alys felt the stares on her, judging her. She refused to let them see her weak, she would be a good Queen, someone one remembers.

She got out of the carriage and to her surprise it was not Robert who came to greet her, but Jon Arryn, Robert's Hand. Alys felt confused. Is Robert sick? Wait- when did she suddenly care about him?

Alys walks over to the hand, where she gives a deep bow. Lord Arryn only gives a small smile and brought her hand up to his lips.

Jon Arryn looked at her, smiling softly. "I hope your journey was pleasurable, Lady Stark" Alys felt herself stiffen. It was not often people called her Lady Stark, seeing as it was not her true title. It belonged to Cat now.

Alys smiled back,"Pleasurable enough, Lord hand," she stops and looks around Jon. "My Lord, forgive me but where is the King?"

That made Jon Arryn stiffen up slightly, and prayed the Gods Alys didn't see that.

"The king had....some matter to take a hand off"

Alys knew what he meant.    Gods did she truly look that naive? Alys smiled sarcastically,"Do you mean he is with his whores?" That made Jon Arryn Woden his eyes at her aknolement and awkwardly caught trying to ease the situation.
"Eh..well I can't say-"

Alys felt irritation crumble up. Were people going to lie to her face here? Of corse, what do you think, this is King's Landing. "Spare me the words, Lord Hand," she gave a sigh. "Do you mind if you showed me my chambers? I am quite tired from the journey"

The hand nodded and brought a servant girl to show her the way.


Her chamber was richly furnished. Myrish carpets covered the floor instead of rushes, and in one corner a hundred fabulous beasts cavorted in bright paints on a carved screen from the Summer Isles. The walls were hung with tapestries of Baratheon and Stark sigils and a pair of Valyrian sphinxes flanked the door.

Alys didn't know what to expect from Robert. Would he be loyal and kind towards her when married? Or cold and dishonest towards her. She had such confusion thoughts about it. She did not except Robert being honorable, but he could have at least shown some decency and welcomed her to the Red Keep.

And for a moment, Alys could see herself in the future. Alone and lonely. It was not fair. She was not the one supposed to marry Robert and yet she has to. Robert is nothing but a whoremonoger and a drunk, and she briefly wondered how in the Seven Hells they would make Robert the king.

She knew many would want her brother on the throne, but she knew Ned would never accept. He was too honorable. And even if he accepted, it would not work. Benjen is too young to be left for charge at Winterfell, and he has even thought about joining the nights watch. Which made her heart sink. The though of her little brother stuck up on the wall, all cold and all they are doing is killing wildlings.

Alys rubbed her hand and decided to take a walk down the halls, to explore as Lyanna would have chosen to do. Honestly, she would rather have preferred to grab a book and read as many as she could until she was heavily in sleep. But she knew she could not hide. She was to be a Queen, best she started acting like it sooner rather then later.

The halls were long and very thick. Alys could see some pricks of Targaryen banners and sigils in the walls, but she guess Robert would choose to destroy every one and replace them with Baratheon ones. Alys didn't think the Targaryen that bad. Well, all expect for Queen Rhaella and little Viserys she had briefly talked to while in Harrenhal.

It broke her heat at the though of little Viserys all alone with his infant sister. She had gotten the information from some servants in Winterfell, that the Queen Rhaella died of childbirth, birthing a daughter and naming Prince Viserys the King of the Seven Kingdoms.

But before Robert's brother, Stannis could catch them, they had already left. And a part of Alys was quite happy for that. For she knew that Robert would give no mercy.

As she was walking she could hear giggling and a thick drunken voice echo through the halls. What the...? She suddenly stopped and tried keeping herself from raising her voice.

Oh you better be kidding me.



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