Untitled Part 5

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        Chelsea's car pulled up Saturday morning, half an hour early of course. I grabbed my makeup bag and hair brush and jumped into the front seat of her car.

        "Good morning sleeping beauty!"

        "You're early!" I said quickly yanking the brush through my hair.

        "I can't believe Liz is getting married! I'm so happy for her, shes been with Ian so long."

        "Yeah I know." I leaned over and pulled on black tights which of course ran above my knee.

        "Seans meeting us there." Chelsea bit her lip and looked over at me.

        "Chelsea. What the hell. Are you too together?"

        "He's just so perfect. He's sweet and funny and so handsome. You know he's a lawyer!"

        "And dating your friend."

        "Don't rain on my parade today." She put on her sun glasses as we pulled up to the park where the wedding was. Throwing on some makeup and pulling on my sweater I got out and we started walking to our seats. The ground was still wet from the rain a few nights ago so my heel sank into the ground at least twice. The park was beautiful flowers were still in bloom and it wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be.

        The wedding party started to slowly come down the aisle and it really was beautiful. Liz had picked baby blue and light yellow. The bridesmaids walked down with he groomsmen in long light blue dresses. As they walked past us I saw a familliar messy head of hair.

        Ian was Alex's brother.

        I should've known, they look so much a like. Liz looked beautiful, her dress so huge she looked like a walking marshmallow. The way Ian looked at her was the way every girl wants to be looked at, a single tear rolled down his cheek as she mouthed "I love you."

        I tried as hard as I could to not let Alex see me. He was looking at the couple most of the ceremony until the very end. As he was leaving he locked eyes with me and smirked, I felt a warm blush flood my face.

        "Aw she looked so beautiful!" Chelsea said as we walked back to her car. She was hanging on Sean and talking to him, I felt like the biggest 3rd wheel in history.


        The reception was amazing. The banquet hall was full of people talking to each other and laughing. 45 minutes in and Chelsea had already drank 3 cocktails and was sitting on her boyfriends lap at our table. I sat quietly and played with my straw as dinner started to arrive. The head table was laughing and talking but Alex sat like I did looking cute and awkard, I wish he could come over and talk to me.

        Dessert ended and people started to make toasts which were funny and heart wrenching. Liz cried like a baby and Ian held her hand the entire time.

        Finally the music started playing and everyone watched the couple do their first dance, more people cried. It was very touching.

        The party started getting wild and I sat and watched everyone dance as I sipped a rum and coke some guy had bought for me.

        Suddenly, hands went over my eyes. 

        "Guess who." Alex whispered in my ear. I turned around and looked at him.

        "Has anyone ever told you that you look phenomenal in a tux?" I stood up and put my hands on his chest, smiling up at him.

        "Has anyone ever told you to take off that cardigan?"

        I hit him playfully, "you are a nasty boy Mr.Valentine."

        "Let's dance." He grabbed my hand and whisked me into the dance floor. 

                We danced and danced for hours. I took off my shoes, and my cardigan then drank more than I would like to admit. 

        Liz threw the bouquet and I caught it. Alex looked over and winked at me as I bit my lip.

        The reception ended and Liz and Ian jumped into their car and drove off to their honeymoon. They were going to Honolulu. Sean had to carry Chelsea out to her car and she threw up all over him. I was left with Chelsea's shitty car to get home. Alex walked me to her car and kissed my cheek as I got in. Of course the damn car didn't start. I slammed my hands on the wheel and got out. Smoke poured out of the front and I ran after Alex. Luckily he hadn't left yet. I tapped timidly on his window.

        "Hey sunshine." He rolled down the window and looked at me.

        "Chelsea's car is smoking, and it won't start. Could I get a ride? Please."

        "Sure! Hop in." He leaned over and pushed open the door. Quickly I jumped in and closed the door.

        "Thank you so much."

        "No problem."

        The ride home was quiet enough. Alex turned on the radio and sang quietly. He had a really pretty voice.

        "This one." I pointed at my house and he pulled into the drive way. He walked me to the door and stopped me before I walked in.

        He took off his bow tie and clipped it aroud my neck, "something to remember me by." He whispered.

        "It'd be pretty hard to forget you Mr.Valentine." I smirked and put my bracelet around his wrist, "remember me too."

        "You got it babe." Slowly he leaned in and kissed me softly. I closed my eyes and leaned into him. Slowly he pulled away and smiled at me, "I'll call you tomorrow. Get to bed you." He tapped my nose. Slowly I opened the door and looked at him.

        "Don't look at me with those puppy dog eyes. I'm not sleeping at your house. I don't do that on the second date."

        "This wasn't really a date..."

        "Come on (y/n), off to bed." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed room. Gently he laied me on the bed and kissed my forehead, pulling the covers up over me, "you can drink young lady."

        "Shh, not really." I grabbed his face and pulled him closer to me, pecking his nose.

        "Goodnight. I'll call you in the morning." He walked out and shut off the lights. I listened as his car pulled out of the driveway. After that, I fell asleep almost instantly.

(so the beginning of this chapter kinda sucked sorry but I thought it was cute for them to be at a wedding and I don't know tell me what you think)

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