Untitled Part 7

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        The party was loud, people were screaming and I'd seen more boobs than I'd liked to. I'd lost Alex about an hour ago so I was sitting at the bar by myself. The bar started to slow down until it was just me and the bartender.

        "Hey sweetie, why do ya look so glum." The bar tender looked at me. She was wearing a black widow costume, half unzipped. I'd seen her unzip it more and more every time a cute guy, or girl sat down at the bar. She had long black hair that faded into a grey/blue at the end and a slight lisp in her voice.

        "I lost my date." I looked at her.

        "Oh, really? That sucks. You want another Cosmo? On me."

        "Sure, thanks. What's your name?"

        "Oh it's Lainey." She slid the Cosmo down to me and poured herself a shot of vodka and downed it.

        "Oh, I'm (y/n) it's nice to meet you."

        "Yeah, you too. So, what's you date look like?"

        "Oh he's dressed like Clyde. He's tall and skinny. He's got green eyes."

        "Haven't seen him sorry."

        "I don't think he drinks." I played with the neckline of my dress and looked behind me hoping to him in the crowd.

        "Hey buck up." She lightly punched my shoulder and handed me another drink.

        A short girl came and sat 2 seats away from me, she was dressed up as a geisha. She ordered a drink and started flirting with Lainey.

        "Hey, Bonnie girl. I'll be back in 20 minutes. Watch the bar for me okay? Me and Rae have some... business to take care of."

        "Oh, okay." Lainey jumped over the bar and grabbed the girls hand and led her into a back room. I sat there and sipped the drink.

        Suddenly the music turned off and everyone looked at the door. The police were trying to split apart Alex and some other guy. As fast as I could I ran over to them.

        "Alex!" I yelled, right when he looked at me the guy punched him in the rips and kicked his knee out. Alex fell to the floor with a yell. All the color drained out of his face as he closed his eyes and passed out. The cop took out the other guy and an paramedic grabbed him and put him in the back. I tried to follow but the pulled away before I could get there.

        Lainey ran up to me. Her hair was a mess and most of her makeup had rubbed off.

        "Hey was that your boyfriend?" She said.


        "Woah... hey do you want a ride home? You're a little tipsy."

        "Yeah. Thanks." Lainey drove me home in her Volkswagen and dropped me off at home.

        "Thank you!" I yelled from the door.

        "Hey. No problem. If that guy of yours doesn't work out give me a call."

        "Maybe!" I ran inside and locked the door behind me. That was the weirdest night I'd ever had.

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