Untitled Part 13

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        I wrapped the towel around myself and walked into the bedroom, grabbing a short black dress and red blazer. I looked in the mirror and put on some makeup as Alex walked in.

        "Hey can I talk to you? Woah, you look great! What's the occasion?" Alex said, coming up behind me.

        "Oh hey! So, you know that girl Lainey that I met at the costume party?" I said, turning toward him.


        "Well, she has this friend for who's a movie director and he needs a makeup artist. I've got an interview." I squealed, it had been so long since I'd done makeup. I was so excited to get back out there and do what I loved.

        "That's great!" He said, grabbing my hands.

        "So, what did you wanna ask me?" 

        "Well, I know we haven't been together very long. But (Y/n?) will you marry me?" Alex got down on one knee and pulled out a small ring. He smiled hopefully at me.

        "Oh, Alex." I said, taking his hand, "no. The same no I said last night, two days ago, and the day before, and before, and before." I sighed. I didn't want to say no, and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Alex, but I just couldn't say yes. It didn't feel right. Alex deserved better than me, and though I never would admit it, I wanted nothing more than for him to realize this. Every night when I layed next to him in bed I felt guilty, like I was stealing him from someone more deserving.

        "(y/n) don't do this to me. I got a job, we're gonna have a house in a few months. Everythings coming up Alex! Is it the ring? I know it's not much and you deserve so much more. I'll get a better one, I'll do anything if you'd marry me."

        "Alex. I just, can't right now. Try to understand. I love you." I said, trying to reassure him. He stood up slowly and put the ring back in his pocket.

        "I understand. But I won't stop asking until you say yes. Just tell me. Why? There has to be some reason."

        "I, I just," I looked into his eyes and the words just started flowing out of me, "I feel like you're too good for me and I just love you so much but I know I don't deserve you..." I kept rambling until Alex put his finger over my mouth.

        "If anything, you're too good for me. Trust me, I know you're my, and not to be cliche, soulmate. I love you (y/n)" Alex said.

        "Then ask me again."


        "Ask me again." I whispered. Alex got on one knee and gave me the whole speech again. This time I started to cry, I was looking at my future, and it looked bright and lovely. I could only nod and smile at him. Alex grabbed me and twirled me around.

        "You won't regret this."

        "I know." 

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