Untitled Part 10

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        "You look delightful." I smiled at Alex as he straightened his tie. 

        "I've never been on a boat before." He looked in the mirror again, his face was pale and he looked as though he was going to throw up.

        "We don't have to go. If you really don't want to." I wrapped my arms around his waist and he sighed loudly.

        "I want to do what makes you happy, and if getting all dressed up and going on a boat with our friends makes you happy, then that's what I'll do." 

        I smiled and kissed him, "now I have to get dressed. Don't leave."

        "Wouldn't dream of it."

        I ran off into the bed room and slid on my floor length white-gold mermaid dress and white pumps with a thin gold trim. I fluffed my hair and looked in the mirror, I smiled and looked at myself. I looked like the princess Alex deserved.

        Slowly I walked into the hallway and turned around, "zip me." I shivered at Alex's cold fingers as he zipped the back of my dress. He pressed his lips onto my neck and I couldn't help but smile. I turned around and put my hands on his shoulders.

        "As much as I'd love too, we're going to be late."


        Alex had a cold sweat dripping down his face. Everyone else had already boarded the yacht but Alex and I were just standing there. He was staring at the water lapping underneath and almost hyper ventilating. I grabbed his hand and looked at him.

        "Remember when you caught me, when I fell of the railing? You promised you'd never let anything happen to me, now I'm doing the same to you." I squeezed his hand and stepped onto the bridge. I held my hands out to him and he looked up at me with pure fear in his eyes.

        "(Y/N)?" He wanted to trust me, but he couldn't.

        "I won't let anything happen. I promise."

        He swallowed hard and and stepped onto the bridge, taking my hands. Slowly I walked backwards until we were on the boat.

        "See?" I said, "I'm not gonna let go." I kissed him and turned around. Everyone clapped and I took a phony bow.

        "That deserves champagne!" Liz yelled as she popped the cork on bottle of champagne. Everyone cheered as she poured everyone a glass.

        We pulled away from the dock as the sun began to set. 

        "Well, may I just say everyone looks lovely." Ian said, "Alex, loving the paisley. I feel like it's sort of your thing now."

        "I guess so." He smiled nervously. He hadn't let go of my hand since we got on the boat.

        The hours passed like minutes as the stars covered the sky. Liz and Ian showed pictures of their honeymoon, and Haley talked about her and her boyfriend, who was in jail but getting out in a few months. Chelsea bitched and moaned about being the 'only single girl in the whole universe'. Alex was silent the whole time.

        "So. Be honest. What do you think about my nose?" Chelsea stuck her nose in Ian's face.

        "As Alex previously stated, you can barely tell." Ian brushed her off cooly. A cold rain started to drizzle on top of us. Haley screamed and ran inside. Everyone laughed and followed suit. On our way to the sitting room Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me into a closet.

        "Alex! What are you doing?" I giggled as he slowly closed the door.

        "Shh. I can't stand it. If I hear about Chelsea's stupid ass nose one more time, I think I'm going to throw her overboard." Alex smiled, I could barely see his face in the darkness.

        "I can't help but agree." I smiled and kissed him, immediately he kissed back and pushed me up against the wall. He hands fiddled with my dress as I pulled away.

        "Alex!" I tried not to yell.

        "Shh" He laughed sweetly. As he pressed his lips back to mine I heard the door lock.

        "Did you hear that?" I whispered.

        "No?" He said back.

        "I must just be paranoid." I smiled and kissed him again.


        Suddenly the boat tipped, Alex and I both fell onto the floor. Water started trickling in.

        "What the hell?" Alex yelled as he tried to pull open the door. It was locked.

        I ran over and tried to pull it open, Alex ran over and put his shirt and jacket over the leak, hoping it would stop.

        "Help!" I screamed, banging on the door. I kept screaming and screaming. Alex tried to help me pull open the door, but it wouldn't budge. The boat rocked again, knocking us over.

        "Alex? (y/n)?" I heard Ian calling us.

        "Help! Help us!" Alex and I started screaming and banging even harder. Ian unlocked the door and we fell out. Everyone else was gone.

        "What happened?" I asked Ian.

        "We ran into something. I don't know. Come on, we have to go." Ian grabbed my arm, we ran to the rest of the group who were squeezing into a life boat. We jumped in and I sat between Haley and Chelsea who were screaming at each other.

        "IT WAS YOUR IDEA TO LOCK THEM IN THERE!" Chelsea yelled over me.

        "I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D ACTUALLY DO THAT!" Haley screamed back. We pushed off and tried to paddle ourselves back to shore. We all shook from the cold and the drizzling rain, Chelsea and Haley kept mumbling mean things to each other.

        Suddenly, the wind picked up and the sky turned an angry black. The shore was only about a mile away so we paddled faster and faster, trying to get there before we were struck my lightning. Alex had turned pale again. The open water was really getting to him now. I could see why, it was so massive and open, it looked like it could swirl you in and eat you. The water was becoming choppier and choppier by the second. I wasn't sitting on a seat and I kept jumping up and down. The water just splashed too high and I fell backwards into the water.

        Suddenly, time stood still. I watched as their faces got further and further away. The silence was deafening and I closed my eyes. I knew that I was going to die. I just waited and waited.

        Arms were around me and I felt myself slowly approaching the surface. I broke through and gasped for air. I was slowly pulled back into the boat and placed in the middle with my head on Jamie's lap. Ian put his blazer around me so I wouldn't get too cold. I looked up and saw Alex. He was dripping wet.

        "Hey sunshine." He smiled. He was covered in goosebumps. He'd left his shirt on the boat. "You scared me there for a second."

        I tried to speak but words wouldn't come out. I coughed and sputtered as water flowed out of my mouth. I'd almost died.

        A coast guard boat pulled next to us and helped us onto the boat.

        "Let's get them back. This girl is gonna die if she doesn't get warm." The coast guard called. Slowly I closed my eyes and prayed we could get back fast enough.

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