Horror's and Blue's first day at school

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'Two Years later- I will be doing some future ones as well'

Killer sighed as he did his work. He was in class, with Cross and Dust but he couldn't focus.

None of them could.

It was Horror and Blue's first day at school today, both of them 13.

Everyone was worried, especially Killer. He knew Horror can be...forward. Too much for his own good, he would creep people out and he would be sad.

Killer jumped when someone tapped his shoulder. He looked behind him and saw Dust. He smiled at him "It's going to be okay, calm down"

Killer took in a deep breath and nodded.

He turned back to the board and tried to pay attention.


Horror was having a great day! he and Blue were everywhere.

Talking to everyone and just being themselves.

They both were happy they were in the same class.

But it went downhill when They went to English.

When Horror came in, the teacher, Mrs.C, her name too hard to pronounce, looked at Horror funny.

Properly because of his crack in his head. A lot of kids kept asking where he got it, but Mama Nightmare told him he didn't have to tell them what happened, only if he trusted them as he did with Killer and the rest of the family.

"Okay class, I am Mrs.C and I am your English teacher" she smiled at them, but Horror didn't like that smile, he looked over at Blue and saw he didn't like it either.

They sat down and class continued.

She then came around the class to check everyone's progress. Horror was happy with what he had and showed Mrs.C proudly.

She cringed at it. They were supposed to write a story in their homes.

Horror went all out saying he had a big family and lost of siblings.

"Are you supposed to be in my class?" She asked. Horror look at her confused he was going to ask what he meant but she continued "you properly don't even know what I'm saying, do you have someone I can talk to?" she asked.

Again Horror was confused "I'm sorry mam, but What do you mean?" he asked her. "Oh you can talk" she was surprised.

"Why would you think he can't talk?" Blue asked. He sat only a desk away from Horror. Mrs.C sighed and put his work down "well he has a big crack in his skull, I Would guess he can't think properly"

 Horror was confused, why wouldn't he be able to think? he touched the crack. "well he can mam and he does belong in this class, he's my friend" Blue smiled.

Mrs.C bit her lip "okay, class get back to work"

It was normal again, but not for long.

Horror felt like he was walking on glass in this class. He had only gotten up to ask her what they were supposed to do.

She went on and on about how to write, how to do this and that like he was stupid. Blue didn't like her attitude towards his friend.

"Do you understand, uh, Horror?" she asked. Horror blinked, she wasn't even helping him, he had asked if they had to do the activity, not to explain everything he knew already!!!

She sighed when Horror didn't answer "Do I have to explain it again?"

Horror shook his head "n-no mam" he took his book and sat down again.

Why was this teacher treating him differently? because of his cracked Skull?

They had some time left before class ended so Mrs.C asked for some students to read what they wrote (Just go with it)

Blue had asked if he and Horror go first since they live together.

Blue went first saying how cool living with everyone and playing with them, Horror went next he had a smile on when he explained Killer and Dust the first two he met then everyone else.

But when he mentioned Nightmare, Mrs.C stopped him "wait, your mom is a man?" she asked. Horror and Blue nodded. "Mama Nightmare is always telling us we don't have to call him that but we do" Blue giggled. Some of their classmates laughed with them, but it just went to chaos when Horror mentioned Killer's knife collection.

She started to talk about safety and how Nightmare was a bad parent to let their kid play with something like that. When Horror tried to tell her that he has told Killer to stop stealing knives, she snapped.

"How would you know, your just a kid that has brain damage, you can't even think!!" she shouted. That's when Horror realized why she treated him like that. Blue told the teacher that he wasn't stupid and that he was smart, but she ignored him getting her phone.

Horror then giggled "I guess your Right Mrs.Coughlan," Horror said her surname perfectly. "I really am just a dumb kid that got into grade 7, can write, understand English and learning Wingdings but I don't think you know that language do you? And I can't think for myself that I am just standing here as a Zombie" Horror smiled creepily.

Mrs.C stood there shooked. Blue struggled not to laugh out loud. Horror walked over to Mrs.C "I study with The Negativity King, Nightmare Joku" Her eyes widened "And his brother Dream Joku, so sorry that I can't think for myself, I guess I should change classes then huh? what do you think Blue?" Blue nodded "I think that's a great idea, and I will join you" he smiled. The bell rang and they left.

The two burst out laughing.


When they came to pick up Horror and Blue, Killer kept asking questions.

"Where find Killer! stop smothering us!" Blue struggled in his grasp saying it was embarrassing, but Horror just giggled and hugged back.

"Did you make any friends?" Ink asked.

Horror nodded "Yup, but he had to leave early, he has a similar name to Blue, it was pretty funny!" Horror giggled.

Killer picked Horror yup, "I'm just glad you two had a good day at school"

When they got home, Blue and Horror asked Nightmare if they can change classes. "Does this involve Mrs. Coughlan's class?" Nightmare asked.

"How did you know!?" Blue asked in awe. Nightmare smiled "I got a call from the office say she wanted to talk to me, she said she didn't believe a dumb student was taught by me, what a shock did she get when I answered" Nightmare got a dark look.

"She going to be getting nightmares for the rest of her missable life, no one calls my kids dumb" Nightmare scooped the two up.

They both squealed as Nightmare cradle them in his arms"She was mean! she thought Horror was dump just because his skull was cracked" Blue crossed his arms his face pouted, Horror snickered. Nightmare nuzzled by his cheek "Don't worry, you won't have to deal with her ever again"


So cute!! Fluffies~

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