The Past

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"You look so cute~"

"I'm doing the laundry,"

"yes, still look cute"

"Why don't you leave me alone"


Geno sighed, why did he have to get involved with this idiot.

It was a normal day, Nightmare was sitting in the living room, reading. Killer, Horror, Dust, Blue,  and Ink were playing tag, Fresh and Cross were talking with Violet, making sure he's comfortable with everything, and Error was sitting by the big pile of plushies again, reading. He had glasses on, Geno had them. Geno was doing the laundry with Reaper following him around.

Then, a scream of pain come from upstairs. Nightmare jumped off the couch but was stopped, someone was by the door and they were powerful.

Geno was coming in the room, holding a laundry basket, when the front door flew off its hinges.

A skeleton, that had a white hoodie mixed with blue stood there. He smirked. Geno went to attack but was blown to a wall. Reaper caught him and put him down, talking out a scythe.

"Hmph, don't believe it Death chose a successor" he smirked. Reaper went to attack, he nearly hit him but he was thrown off.

Nightmare then attacked, his tentacles going for the kill, but the skeleton dodged and pulled on his tentacle, throwing him to the other side. Dream ran in and the other ran up the stairs.

"Nightmare!!" he yelled. "No, the kids!"

The two, with Geno and Reaper, ran up the stairs and saw the playroom was opened.

When they got there, Fresh was standing in front of Cross and Violet.

The man was kneeling by Error, who was crying and huffing. Error's in his eyes, and blue...strings coming out of his sockets.

Dream summoned his bow and fired at him. It landed a hit and he hissed moving away from Error, Geno ran over and took his brother into a hug.

Nightmare then glared at the skeleton "Error404" he said.

The other laughed "Thought you forgot about me" he smirked. "what are you doing here!?!"

"I just came to check on Error, his powers are quite strong," he said.

"If you hurt him" Nightmare growled. "calm down, I'm not going to hurt him, why would I hurt my own son," he said.

Everyone was silent.

"What?" Geno stared. "Yes, Error is my son, I left him with the CQ's to protect him, I am only here to check-in, and it seems like his powers are coming in" 404 smirked and then disappeared "take care of him" Nightmare could hear a whisper.

Error blinked and he could see again, but it seemed he didn't know what was happing around him because he struggled in Geno's hold until he saw who it was.

Nightmare sighed. Reaper then came behind him "So...your Death's son?" he asked. Reaper nodded "don't worry, I can control my Death Touch"

"That's not what I'm worried about"

Dream sat next to Geno talking to Error.

Killer and the others walked past "what happened in here?" Ink asked.


Nightmare then went to Fresh "Are you all okay?" he asked. They all nodded.

Night sighed, Error was the son of an was he going to tell him?

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