Travel Time 1

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Catt's POV

It was 6am in the fucking morning. Max, Seb and Cole were picking me up in an hour and then we were picking up Joey, Jakob and my sister from the Armstrong house. Don't get me wrong I'm really looking forward to this tour, I just fucking hate mornings.

After I mange to hall myself out of bed and attempt to find some clean clothes, I head downstairs for some food. Breakfast is honestly the only reason I put up with mornings.
"Morning dad, Sara, what foods there?" I ask as I lean on the counter.
"There's cereal, cereal and more cereal, do you really think we have time to cook while trying to keep up with our little rascal" Dad said while simultaneously trying to figure out where Mickey actually is. I give him a look of 'well I can't argue with that' and I make my self some cereal. I sit down on the couch next to Mickey with my bowl and I put on his favourite kids show on the TV. I love how even as a 20 year old, I still enjoy kids TV and cartoons, guess that's my dad's genes.

I dump me empty bowl in the sink and head upstairs to try to work out how I'm meant to get my 2 guitars, my case and Ally's case down the stairs without breaking a bone. Somehow I manage it. After spending about 10 minutes trying to find my Doc Martens, I remembered I put them in my case, so I just shove on my pair of Crocs that live at the front door. I have just enough time to grab my iPod and my phone before the door bell goes. I run to open it and practically scream at Cole when I see him standing there.
"Aaaaaahhhhhh, I'm so fucking excited!" I say as I jump up at him to hug him. He catches me and spins us around a little bit. In my excitement I kiss his cheek not thinking about it, he blushes a bit and then smiles, I blush smile back at him.
"You are excited" he said "where's the cases?"
I shove the 2 cases out the front door and mine kind of rolls down the drive way a bit but oh well, Max catches it.
"They were right there, but that plan kinda backfired" I laugh and head back in for the guitars as the boys put the cases in the van. I say goodbye to my dad and Sara and Mickey. As I'm getting into the back seat in the van my dad shouts after the boys.
"Take care of my baby girls now boys!"
"Don't worry we will!" Max shouts back.

I get a hold of the Aux cable and plug it into my iPod, I put my My Chemical Romance playlist on shuffle and Max, Seb, Cole and I start singing along. When we pull up to the Armstrong's house, Ally, Jakob and Joey are already waiting for them. I slide back the van side door for them.
"Get in losers, we're joining The Black Parade!" I shout at them as Welcome To the Black Parade gets to the faster bit through the van speakers. Cases and instruments get piled into the van, everyone gets a seat and seatbelts on and then we're off on the road.

We'd been driving for an hour or so and the excitement of being on the road was starting to wear off, now we were just stuck in a van for the next however many hours it is to LA. The early morning was catching up with me and I could feel myself starting to drift off.

Cole's POV

8 persons crammed in a van, Teenagers by MCR on full blast - yes, we were finally on tour again. It was so good finally being back on the road with my brothers, especially after our fall tour ended abruptly with the horrible crash that almost killed Max. It feels even better to have him back on tour with us. Shows without him just aren't the same. The van was full of positive and excited energy and I honestly couldn't wait to hop out and on stage to freak out with our fans again. I took my time to really take in the moment. Max and Seb both cuddled up to their jackets and tried to get more sleep, Joey sat to my left. He was just vibing to whatever played through his AirPods and drummer along on his legs with his fingers. Jakob and Ally has the back to themselves, which is probably for the best. I dared to take a look and yeah, the two were all over each other.

Catt sat on my right side and she kept yawning. "You're tired?" I asked. She nodded, followed by a yawn. She looked so cute, the way her nose scrunched up was enough to make the billions of butterflies in my stomach go crazy. "Want me to be your pillow?" I asked, trying my hardest not to yawn along with her. "That would be lovely" she answered. She shifted in her seat and cuddled up to me until she find the perfect spot. It felt like even more butterflies spawned and went crazy in my stomach. I felt my cheeks warming up and I probably blushed like shit. I was just glad she didn't see it. I felt her grip around my arm tightening as we hit a few bumps in the road but other she seemed to be pretty much asleep already. I sat like that for a while until I got bored. I didn't dare to move because I really didn't want to wake up Catt.

I decided to annoy Joey a bit and tapped on his leg, he jumped a bit which made me giggle like shit. I wish I could've just laughed out loud but again, I didn't want to wake up the sleeping girl on my chest. "Don't do that again," Joey said as he looked for his AirPods charging case. "I'm bored bro. Entertain me," I said and looked into his brown eyes. "How am I supposed to entertain you when the whole van is basically asleep?" He answered. "I don't know man, you're the entertainer. Do whatever you wanna do. This is your moment, sweetie," I chuckled. He rolled his eyes at me and shook his head. "Or we can just talk? What about that? It feels like forever since we had a full on deep conversation," I sighed. "Damn, you almost sound like my wife I've been married to for the last 30 years," Joey laughed. "But okay, fine. Let's talk. What do you want to talk about?" He asked and looked at me with his brown eyes.

"Okay, look. There's this one big question I've had for awhile now. Why is weed called weed? And not something else?" I asked. He groaned and shook his head. "I don't know man. Because it looks like fucking weed?" He answered. "Yeah, I know but why can't we just call it something else? I mean Weed always sounds so degrading kinda." "Well, then what would have called if?" Joey replied and raised one of his eyebrows. "I don't know. Wacky Tobacy or something." Joey started laughing. "Wacky Tobacy? What the hell, Cole?" he laughed. "At least it's catchy, you know? It's not just ... weed. It's wacky tobacy. It's just funny and sounds kinda positive. Maybe more people would start smoking it?" Joey kept laughing. "Wacky Tobacy. Make sure you trademark it," he said and wiped away his tears. "You truly were the inspiration of the 'have you ever wondered what goes on inside their heads' meme," he added. And it was true. My thoughts were wild and all over the place but I love that. It's a huge part of me.

Joey offered me one of his AirPods and we listened to music together. I kept looking down at Catt and couldn't help but smile and blush. I was so happy to have her and Ally on the road with us. This is going to be such an amazing tour.

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