Morning After

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Catt's POV

I woke up to Cole gently kissing my neck, he was so cute.
"Morning beautiful" he said looking at me with dreamy eyes. I laughed, he was so sweet.
"Morning handsome," I replied. He planted a gentle kiss on my lips then got up to get some water. I watched him go to the tap and fill up two glasses of water, one for him and one for me, he was still naked from our little adventure last night and god was he sexy. I just kind of looked and took him in as he walked back over with the water. "You're so sexy you know that" I said to him as he sat down beside me.
"I do now," he laughed "you however, are fucking gorgeous" he continued and scattered little kisses over my face.
"We should get dressed, breakfast is soon," I said getting up myself "shit, my clothes are still in the other room, I only have this shit from yesterday."
"Oh yeah," Cole got up and rummaged in his case a bit "here, put on some of mine and go along and get ur case, I'll get dressed and wait for you." He handed me an oversized T-shirt and a pair of boxers, he must've read my mind that I hate putting on the day before's underwear and clothes.
"Thanks," I said and pulled on the boxers and shirt "this is comfy, I could get used to this."
"It suits you" he said as he smirked, I could basically see exactly what he was thinking, and yes, yes it was dirty.
"Keep it in your pants Becker" I shouted back to him as I left our room to go and rescue my case from the clutches of the love birds.

I get along to Ally and Jakob's room and knock a couple times. A few seconds after the second knock, Ally answers the door dressed in Jakob's T-shirt and her joggers.
"You have a good night?" Ally asked me with a wink at the end.
"It was practically perfect my dear sister" I replied with a laugh.
"Did u like the little decorations?"
"That was you!" Everything suddenly actually made sense for once.
"Yup" Ally said with a wide, proud smile on her face.
"Can I come in and get my case now?" I asked as I walked into the room. I didn't exactly wait on an answer, but it's my sister so it's fine. I gather up my clothes back into my case and once again have to lie on it to close it.
"I hate to say it, but you look hella cute in my boyfriend's underwear" Ally said to me laughing. I stand up and look at her confused.
"These are Cole's Ally," I laughed thinking she was being stupid. "But thanks." I pull a little pose to show off my ass cause why the fuck not. At that moment Jakob walked out the bathroom.
"Yeah Catt, those boxers are mine, Ally bought them for me," he also started to laugh. "But it's funny cause I'm actually wearing his, we all end up with each other's clothes on tour"
"Well you wanting to swap or something Armstrong?" I said laughing now as well. "I'm sure Ally could do with another look at that cock." Jakob just jokingly glared at me.
"Don't you have a lover boy to get back to Catt" Ally said as I finally got my case closed.
"Yup, and I'm just going back now!" With that I made my way back along the corridor, leaving them to get up to whatever they want. I get back to our room and Cole is already dressed, so I quickly pull on some clothes and of course, my platform Doc Martens.

We head down to breakfast hand in hand, me hanging onto Cole's arm a little bit. When we were just outside the room for breakfast, Cole stopped and looked me right in the eyes with a kind but rather serious expression.
"So, this has been amazing, last night, our date, I loved it all so much, and I never wanna lose it," he paused and I kept looking at him, eager for him to continue. "So I wanted to make it official, Catt, will you be my girlfriend?" He looked me with the sweetest expression I had ever seen.
"Oh my god yes! Yes yes yes!" He pulled me into the tightest hug, I felt so safe in his arms. I looked up at him and kissed him strong and passionately for while, so he knew I meant it. I couldn't stop smiling as went into breakfast. This was a dream come true.

Max's POV

"Hurry up dude, I wanna get there before all the good stuff's gone," I shouted through the door that connected the bedroom with the en-suite that Seb currently occupied. He groaned in annoyance, opened the door and sat down on the bed to put on his shoes. "You could've just gone alone and let me sleep," he muttered. "And then look like the idiot that's all alone at a big breakfast table and takes pictures of his food, yeah no Mueller. You're coming with me," I stated and earned a frustrated sigh from Seb. He grabbed the key card from the dresser and walked out of the room while shaking his head. I had my phone ready and followed him to the elevator. "Do you know what you're gonna get first?" I asked while typing away on my phone. "Dude it's literally just fucking breakfast, calm down." Seb answered. "It's not just breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day plus it always looks so amazing," I said excitedly. He mimicked what I said and added a quick "fucking food bloggers" under his breath. To some his behavior would've been offensive but I knew he acted like that because he was the complete opposite of a morning person. He's one of the nicest guys I've ever met but he's a gamer at heart, always playing through the night and sleeping through the day. That's just who he is.

We arrived in the lobby and walked the short way to the breakfast room in silence. A waiter was immediately at our table and I ordered a black coffee for Seb and matcha tea for me. I got up and started raiding the Buffett. Once I got back, Buddha, Ally and the Armstrong's joined us. Joey, Buddha and I chattered away about today's schedule and the plan for the next few days. Even Seb cheered up a bit and talked to Ally who was just as much of a night owl as he was, but she managed to be nicer in the morning. Joey and I talked about a few possible setlist changes when I saw Cole and Catt waking through the lobby towards the breakfast room. Cole stopped and pulled her a bit to the side. It looked like he was either embarrassed or really nervous because his face was as red as a fire truck and he only ever blushed that hard when it was one of those things. Whatever it was, Catt nodded excitedly and they hugged tightly. Cole broke the hug just to go in and kiss her. Both Joey and I looked at each other to make sure the other saw the exact same thing. "Look, it's the two C's," Joey mumbled loud enough for the table to hear. Both said their good mornings and then split up to sit down. Cole sat on the head of the table next to me and Joey while Catt sat next to Ally.

Cole ordered a coffee and yawned a couple of times, man I don't really want to imagine what went down in that room last night. Joey and I kept looking at each other. We don't want to rush him but we also wanted him to spill the fucking tea. "So, you and Catt huh?" I finally asked when I couldn't take it anymore. Cole almost choked on the berries he kept stealing from my fruit bowl. "How did you...oh. You saw us in the lobby?" He asked once he was ready to talk. We nodded and tried to be as patient as possible. "Well, it just kinda happened. I had a crush on her for a longer time now but I didn't want to ruin our friendship but then yesterday I felt really motivated and just asked her out for a lunch date, which is why we were late yesterday, and yeah it just kinda worked out," he answered with a big smile on his face. He blushed a bit and fiddled with his fingers but happiness radiated off of him. "So are you official now?" Joey asked as he pulled my fruit bowl closer to him and started snacking on it too. "Yes, we actually just made it official in the lobby," Cole giggled and looked at his girlfriend. His eyes sparkled and you could really tell how happy he was. "That's awesome lil bro, we're happy for you," I said and held my hand out for a high five. He left me hanging because he kept staring at his girlfriend with heart eyes, but luckily Joey came to the rescue and high fived me back.

Seeing him this happy really warmed my heart, even though he kept stealing my food instead of getting his own. I couldn't help but look at Catt, too. Not many girls are able to handle Cole and his craziness but I knew he'd be in very good hands with her because she's just as crazy. Cole threw a blueberry at Jakob and yelled "Yo, Armstrong" to get his attention and I glared at him for wasting perfectly fine food. Jakob looked at him, confused as to why he was attacked with a blueberry. "Thank you bro, for last night and in general. I owe you big time," Cole said and smiled at him. "You're welcome bro, everything to support young love. I told you can trust me on that one," Jakob laughed.
"Wait, you knew?" Seb interrupted and acted shocked and surprised. Jakob nodded and laughed. "Yeah, he was the one that kicked my butt and then also he and Ally really came through and prepared the room for us last night, made it all romantic and shit," my brother answered. Joey and Seb faked a heart attack and died while I wiped away an imaginary tear. "How could you betray your own brother, Jakob Danger Armstrong! Wait till I tell mom and dad," Joey fake cried that soon turned into laughter. Catt and Cole kept looking at each other, big smiles never leaving their faces. I was so happy, I forgot to take pictures of the food I didn't really get to eat because everyone kept stealing it from me and I wasn't even mad. I had a feeling this tour would be special, and I was definitely right.

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