El Macho's Cameo

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Sara's POV

I was on my way home from band practice and for once in a long time I was gonna have the house to myself. Tré and the kids were out jamming in Billies backyard and I knew I was gonna go over there sooner or later but first I wanted to grab a nice hot shower. I pulled into our driveway, parked the car and hoped out of it. As soon as I opened the front door I could hear the television from the living room. I walked into and saw Ally and Mickey laying on the couch wrapped up in a blanket and cuddling. "Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you all went over to the Armstrong's?" I said quietly since I saw that Mickey fell asleep. "Yeah but I didn't feel like going so I decided to stay home and watch Mickey. He wanted to watch Despicable me 2 so I turned it on. Oh and we made popcorn," she said and pointed at the empty bowl on the coffee table. I nodded and smiled at the two. "I'll go tuck him in okay? I'll be back in a second," I said and carefully picked up my sleeping son. I tucked him in and then went straight back down stairs and joined Ally on the couch.

"So, why didn't you wanna go? You were so excited to listen to Jakob's new song," I said and looked at her. She sat up and shared the blanket with me. "I don't know. It's just the time of the year again where I just feel off and don't really know whats going on with me. I just don't feel like doing anything and I've been constantly tired over the past few weeks so I really just enjoy chilling out to be honest," Ally said while playing with the blanket. "Though it'll be over in a couple days and then everything's back to normal," she added and smiled at me. I got the same vibe that something was off. "So you've been feeling off and tired. Have you felt anything else over the past few weeks like sore and sensitive breasts, appetite changed, mood swings?" Ally laughed and shook her head. "Why do you want to know all these things?" "Well Allybear, did you and Jakob have unprotected sex recently?" I asked. She shook her head again. "Nope, always used protection," she answered "Why though?" she added. "You could be pregnant. You're showing some signs." Ally laughed and shook her head. "Don't worry, I'm definitely not pregnant." "Sweetie, you should still take a test. Just to be 100% sure you're not" I said. She sighed and rolled her eyes but agreed anyway.

I was about to run off to the store but remembered that Catt and Cole wanted to go to the beach today so I decided to sent her a quick little text, saying they should pick up pregnancy tests ASAP and come over. Ally and I decided to watch the rest of the movie while we waited for Catt and Cole to come home with a bunch of pregnancy tests. I was pretty nervous and by the way Ally kept shifting changing her position, she was getting nervous too. "Hey, whatever will come out later. It'll be okay, don't worry," I said and looked into her eyes. She smiled and nodded. "Thank you," she said. I gave her an air kiss which she returned and then we both turned our heads back to the tv.

Catt's POV

"Hey babe, you got a text from Sara," Cole said to me as my phone bleeped interrupting the music in the car. "She said 'Hi, are you and Cole on your way home yet?'" Cole read aloud cause I was driving, yknow safety and shit. "I've replied with yes" he added.
"Ok," I said and nodded.
"Oo another text from Sara, it says 'Ok sweetie, could you stop at a store and pick up some pregnancy tests please and bring them over ASAP? Thst would be amazing. Love ya xx'" Cole read out. I let out a half shocked rather loud laugh.
"Wow, someone's really gotta remind dad that condoms exist, I did not think him and Sara were gonna have another" I laughed out as I drove.

We found a convenience store on our route back home, I didn't think they'd have pregnancy tests but they did. I was laughing with Cole the whole time in the store, going on about how doesn't dad have enough kids. When we finally got back home, after stopping at McDonald's cause we were hungry, I head in to find Sara while Cole sorted out the sandy stuff from the beach in the car.
"Hey Sara, I have the thingy-mabobers!" I said loudly as I wandered into the kitchen. Sara was standing there with a glass of water.
"Great, lets take them upstairs to Ally," she said and we headed off towards to stairs. Wait, what the fuck? We got up to the bathroom and Ally was nervously pacing in front of the door. I have definitely missed something.
"Wait, what the fuck is going on?" I asked while Sara handed pregnancy tests to Ally.
"Sara thinks I might be pregnant Catt, I can't remember everytime me and Jakob did it in the last few weeks and I don't think we ever did it without condoms." She rambled off at me.
"Oh, wow, that's kinda cool, you marry the love of your life and a little while later you find out your pregnant," I said, I tried your appear calm but I was freaking out on the inside. Sara ushered Ally into the bathroom and then stood outside it with me, Cole reappeared and gave me a little kiss on the cheek.
"What's going on?" He asked standing next to me with one hand on my hip.
"Ally's pregnant," I replied rather nonchalantly considering I was actually exploding inside.
"We don't know that yet!" Ally shouted through the bathroom door.
"Ok she might be pregnant," I concluded, Cole just looked at me kind of stunned.
"How can this much unfold in the few minutes I was still at the car for?" Cole asked.
"I have no clue, but apparently it can," I said and took his hand and gave it a little squeeze. I was so excited for my sister, to the point where I think my brain combusted and it was showing itself as complete calmness.

A few minutes later Ally poked her head around the bathroom door.
"Em, so I took the tests," she said looking incredibly nervous.
"Oh it's ok honey," Sara said and she pulled Ally into a big bear hug, "how long do we need to wait?" She asked.
"3 minutes I think," Ally responded. I gave Cole a bit of a nervous look myself, we were both thinking the same things: How will Jakob react? How will my dad react? And this is gonna be one hell of a big change. I let go of Cole's hand and took Ally's.
"No matter what, you've got me sis," I said and hugged her, I could feel her tremble slightly. Sara set the timer on her phone and we waited. As we stood there in the hall, I thought about what Ally having a kid would actually be like, and I came to the conclusion it would actually be very fun to be an Auntie.
"AH!" I jumped as the timer on Sara's phone went off.
"What the fuck Catt?" Cole laughed at me.
"I was daydreaming and it scared me," I laughed at myself as well.
"I don't wanna check it," Ally said sounding rather scared now.
"I'll go check it," Sara volunteered. Ally nodded and I stood and hugged her. It felt like it took and age for Sara to go look at one of the pregnancy tests. When she came back out the bathroom she was trying to hide a huge smile that was spreading across her face.
"Ready to see it?" She asked Ally.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Ally sighed. Sara showed her the test. I've never seen a bigger smile on Ally's face, apart from maybe when she married Jakob.
"I can't believe it," she said in shock, " I'm pregnant, I'm actually pregnant!" Ally hugged Sara and then hugged me and also hugged Cole.
"Oh my god I'm going to be an Auntie!" I said excitedly and I jumped up and down a bit. I hugged Ally again, I was so happy for my sister.

"Pickle! I'm back!" We heard Jakob shout from down stairs.
"Oh my god, I need to tell Jakob!" Ally said somewhere between excited and terrified. I heard Jakob start to come up the stairs and some chatter downstairs.
"Why are you all in the hallway?" Jakob asked once he got up the stairs.
"Emmmmmm," I said and I looked at Ally. She looked up and Jakob like she was about to cry.
"What's wrong baby?" Jakob asked and hugged her. I took Cole's hand as Ally took Jakob's.
"I actually have something to tell you," Ally started and slid something into his hand. She stood back and let him look at it. His hand raised to cover his mouth and he let out a gasp that kind of sounded like low pitched door creaking.
"Ar-are you serious?" He choked out on the brink of tears. Ally nodded and pulled him into a massive hug. They cried together for a minute, I hugged Cole and nearly cried to. Ok, I've definitely never seen a bigger smile on either of their faces. Jakob kissed her and muttered I love you's to her.
"Oh, oh!" Jakob said with a mixture of excitement, realisation and what I can only describe as utter terror. "This must've been our wedding night, when we were super drunk, and..and we didn't stop to, y'know, be safe." He continued and let out a bit of a nervous laugh. Ally laughed to and kissed him again. Me and Cole looked at each other and silently agreed we were a bit shocked, but not surprised.
"Hey Sara, you up here? Wait, what's going on?" Dad asked as he also came up the stairs.

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