dazai- you convince him to get a dog

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"Oh please! I promise I'll take care of it, you won't have to

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"Oh please! I promise I'll take care of it, you won't have to. If bites you, you can sue me! Does that sound okay?" You try to reason.

"A dog is a spawn of a demon! And hell yeah I will sue you if it bites me."

"Is that a yes?"

"Fine, fine. Under one circumstance." Dazai plays rough.

"That is?"

"If you can beat me in a game of tag." He says with a normal face.

"Uh, your joking?"

"No. Come get meeee~!" Dazai starts running around outside. You play along, and to be honest, it wasn't easy.

"Hahahahaha you suck at this-whoop!" He says tripping. You quickly sit on his back.

"Hahahaha now who's laughing." Dazai just giggles. He agrees to get the dog. Maybe a part of him wanted it, you know, just to see what happens.

You came back to the place where you saw the dog that made you have this game of tag in the first place. It was small and skinny, but still seemed happy. It made your heart drop.

"Aww puppy come here. Dazai, we need to take them to the vet."

"Is it a boy or girl?" He asks.

"I don't know, you check."

"No you." "No you do it" "you."

"Your the one that wanted to know." You reason.

"Well you're the one who wants the dog." I- I mean he's right.

"It's a girl." He frowns

"Dang, I wanted it to be a boy." You squint your eyes at him.

"Does it really matter that much to you?"

"Well~ women can be moody, and maybe dogs will be too."

eXcuse ME

"Just pick her up and lets take her to a vet and make sure she gets healthy." He agrees and picks her up, noticing how little it weighed.

"How old do you think she is? She only seems like a puppy." He asks actually caring about the dog.

"I'm guessing only a couple months, no more than a year." He just hums as a response.

Once you get to the vet, they bring her in and weigh her, measure her, and make sure there's no chip." (I hope you guys know what I'm talking about)

"It looks like she had a broken rib, and she's  very small. We should feed her and then we will give her some shots. Also I think we should bandage her up. This process might take a couple hours. Would you be able to come back tomorrow?" The nurse asks.

"Yes that would be fine." Dazai answers making you look questionably at him. It seems he's growing a soft spot for the puppy. You smirk.

"We could also install a chip just in case she gets lost, would that be alright. We would need both of your names, the puppy's name, and a phone number." The nurse hands you a paper. "Please fill this out real quick and I will be back to get it in a few." You bow to her thanking her.

Filling out the paperwork was easy, except what would the dogs name be?

"Hey, Dazai? What will her name be?" He thinks for a moment.

"How about Miki? It means a beautiful princess." Yep, he's definitely growing a soft spot.

"Sounds pretty. I like it." You write it down on the paper.

After you handed it back to the nurse, you said bye to Miki. When leaving, you both decided to go to a pet store and get some things.

"Make a list of what we need." You tell Dazai.

"A rope, a lighter, maybe some bleach, a big pool of water, a kn-."

"A list for the DOG not a suicide list. You can do that by yourself."

"Ughhh! Fine. A food and water bowl. A dog bed. Collar and leash. Some toys, not squeaky ones though. I don't want to be woken up from my beauty rest by hearing Squeak squeak. And something for her to eat." Dazai answers.

"Oh I'm definitely getting squeaky toys." He rolls his eyes.

You bought the stuff you need and went back home. Dazai was the one who woke up first in the morning and set everything up. Waking you up when it was time.

Getting to the vet was easy, only taking about a 15 minute walk. Dazai actually seemed more excited than you. The moment he opened the doors, a puppy ran up to him. It was almost unrecognizable by how much weight she gained in one day.

"Oh MIKI! You are getting so big already." He picks the dog up and she licks his face. "Aww your so cute." He saw you smirking, "err I mean eww dog slobber." You just laugh at him.

After some paperwork you guys go home, Miki hopping along behind you.

The first night, she was shy, but still played around with her toys, Dazai joining in at some point.

"Okay Dazai, she's had a long day, I think it's time to go to sleep."

"Okay." He puts Miki down and goes to the bed. You guys fall asleep rather quickly, maybe just excited for another day with the puppy.

It was early maybe 4:00 am. You woke up thirsty, needing water, but what you saw was exciting.

On the other side of the bed, Dazai was there with Miki wrapped in his arms, both fast asleep.

And he says he doesn't have a soft spot for dogs. Mmmmmm okay.

Would anyone like a part 2?

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