you are kidnapped and they find you traumatized

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Only Dazai, Chuuya, and Akutagawa hope that's alright
TW:angst, abuse, murder, mentions of sexual assault 

"Aww, you look so scared! It suits you sweetheart." A man who has not yet given you his name taunted you while you were tied to a chair, somewhere very dark and if you yelled, no one would hear.

A man had noticed Dazai. He remembered him from his mafia days. His heart was filled with so much hate for Dazai.

He was 13 and was walking home from school, but when he got to his house, the door was wide open and two windows were smashed. Running inside the house, he saw his mother, who was his only family, on the ground with three bullets in her chest. He was confused, hearing footsteps in front of him he looked in that direction.

"Oh. Are you her child? Your mother got mixed up with some bad apples and I had to kill her in order for her to keep her mouth shut." The man told him. This man he saw had bandages everywhere, his arms, neck, and one of his eyes. He had brown hair and eyes. "I'm sorry for your loss. Have a good day." The man said walking out the door.

Rushing to his mother he shook her hoping that she was actually okay and this was a joke. "Mom? Mom? Please move! I know you're okay!!" Realization hit him. His mother was dead, and that man had killed her.

"What do you want. I didn't do anything! Please let me go!" You beg the man who you still don't know. "Tell me what you think I did!" You probably looked pathetic you thought, but you didn't care.

"You didn't do anything sweetie. It's your monster of a boyfriend who did. Whatever you see in him, I will never understand. He is a rodent. He doesn't deserve to be alive." Listening to his words hurt, you know about Dazai's past, but you still didn't want to her the words of all the bad things he did. But, you felt like you needed to know.

"W-what did he do?" You shiver. "Dazai Osamu. He has killed more than 100 people. One including the only family I had. She was innocent. But Dazai is ruthless. Only cares for himself. He can never be trusted." His words hurt you.

"No. He's not that person anymore. Please! I promise he has changed!" The man slaps you, it caused you backlash. "What do you know?! You're just a stupid little girl! He is only using you! Why can't you see that?!" At this point, you have broken down crying. You wanted to believe your Dazai was a good man, but his past frightens you.

Light enters the room causing you both to look up. Dazai runs in a gun in his hand. You know he won't hurt you but it still scares you so much. You hide your eyes but looking down at the ground, becoming as small as you can.

"Ah Dazai, about time you arrive."

"Who are you? What do you want with YN? She has never hurt anyone!" He yells poiting the gun at this man. "You ruined me life Dazai Osmau. You deserve to hurt as much as I did." The man runs to you with a knife in his hands. Dazai can't let you die, but he can't kill this man. He jumps over in-front of the man pushing him down to the ground. 

The knife sliced a little of his skin, but he will be okay. Dazai took the knife out of his hands, and threw it aside. Going into his back pocket, he got cuffs and cuffed the man. The fall affected the man a lot so he seemed to be unconscious.

Dazai ran to you ready to use the knife to cut the ropes, but when you saw him, you started screaming. It hit his heart like a blade.

"Yn. Yn. I'm not going to hurt you I would never." He walks over and cuts off the rope, you run for the door , but your weak legs caused you to collapse. Dazai ran to you, picking you up into his arms. You fought against him.

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